Page 58 of The Wedding Report

Lance paced his bedroom back and forth with his cell in hand. Should he call or FaceTime Andrea? He chose the latter and waited for her to pick up. Hair lifted on the back of his neck. He had nothing to be nervous about.

Tonight had only been to thank Chantelle. Yet, his thumb ran over his fingers, recalling how she felt in his arms. He’d been glad she didn’t hurt herself.

If only the wedding was over. Then he could get away from her—for good. Work could distract him, but it didn’t last long. There had been too many times in the office when she crossed his mind.

Lance groaned. Andrea. He needed to focus on Andrea. He loved her. He had made that clear when he proposed. It hadn’t been a simple decision. It hadn’t been one the first time either.

His heart palpitated when he proposed to Chantelle. They didn’t tell their parents, but went to the Justice of the Peace after he paid for the marriage license. Saving his money from cutting the grass in his neighborhood had paid off.

They had exchanged vows and checked into a hotel for the night. He had held Chantelle that night, placing his hand on top of hers on her belly. Then he heard her groans, only to turn on the light and see blood in the sheets. The ambulance ride to the hospital made sweat pool on his brow. Life had gone downhill from there.

Lance refocused. After four rings, Andrea answered. Her face free of makeup, he saw the dim light in the background. Recognizing her hotel room from before, he sat on his own bed.

“How are you?” He asked.

“Just about getting up.” She replied. “How are you?”

“I’m heading to bed. These time zones are the worst.”

“Tell me about it.”

He swallowed. “I fired June Myers.” Might as well get it over with. He had yet to tell his mother.

Andrea’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding. She’s the best.”

“She was taking over the wedding, Babe. It’s not what you or I want. It’s my mother pushing her ideas on us, and I’m not doing that anymore. This is our life we’re starting together, so we’re going to do it right. Our way.”

She rested her chin inside her palm. “Are we ready for this, Lance?”

He cocked his head to the side. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Is your mother always going to be this involved in our lives?” Andrea asked.

He assured her. “I’ll talk to her.”

“Will she listen? I like your mom, but she can be... overbearing.”

“She’s been through a lot, but I’ll talk to her. I’ve let things slide for too long, so I’ll take care of it.”

She gave a slight smile. “Okay.”

“Are we okay, Andrea?”

She sighed. “You tell me.”

“I want you here, but I also want to respect your career. I’m not trying to pressure you, but we’re going to be merging our lives together.”

Andrea shut her eyes for a moment. “I’ve been used to doing everything on my own, Lance. I admired my mother’s career. She taught me everything I knew, but I didn’t want to ride on her coattail. I’m sorry for pushing you away. I know you care. That’s why I love you.”

Tension released from his body. “I love you too. I understand.”

“It’s not the same. You and your parents—”

“I grew up with domineering parents, Andrea. I didn’t have the love and support you had from your mother. Ever since I lost my sister, my parents have done everything to control my life.”

“How would I know that, Lance? That’s it, right there. You don’t tell me these things,” Andrea said.

He rubbed his forehead. “I never asked you either.”