Page 108 of The Wedding Report

He laughed and pulled her to her feet. “Another reason I wanted a private box.”

Chantelle shook her head, but indulged him. Lance brought her to his chest. The music swelled around them as it did at the dance studio. Only difference was, nothing was between them.

Teasing the nape of his neck with her fingers, her body swayed with his as they moved to the music. Chantelle relaxed in his embrace. His strong fingers held secured at her waist.

“Chantelle, I’ve been thinking,” he said.

She rested her head on his chest. “What’s that?”

“I know you’ll be leaving soon.”

She paused in her steps with him. “I know. I haven’t decided what I want to do.”

Lance raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? You thought about staying?”

She bobbed her head. “Mr. Perkins... offered… well, he says that I can take over the paper.”

The corners of Lance’s mouth quirked up. “You running the paper in town? That would bring you home. You’ll also be able to print what you wanted as the owner.”

Chantelle folded her arms. “It’s a huge decision.”

Lance cupped her face. “Whatever you decide, do it for you. I want you here with me, but if your heart’s set on something else, I’ll understand. I’m not going anywhere.”

Would it be so terrible to move back home? She’d seen enough of the world. Had enough adventures. Perhaps it was time to settle down. It didn’t make her a quitter. Her dreams were only changing. Change was good.

Chantelle felt too hot and cold at the same time. Why was history repeating itself? Her having to decide. Leave the ones she loved or pursue her dreams.

“Chantelle?” Lance’s forehead wrinkled.

She pulled her lips in. “We keep coming back here, Lance.”

He sighed. “I know, but we’ll figure it out this time. It’s you and me.”

“I love you.” Saying the words again brought relief. Her shoulders sagged. “I just...”

Lance drew closer and embraced her, kissing the top of her head. “Let’s not focus on that now.” He turned them to the stage as the group impersonating SWV sang their segment.

Chantelle listened as she heard them sing “Weak.” “Remember that one?”

“I do,” he said.

Chantelle wrapped her arms around him, never wanting to let him go. He was right. Tonight was their night. Lance’s hands grazed her back, leaving tingles dancing all over her.

She tilted her head and brought her lips to his. They stopped dancing. He claimed her lips as he did the other night on the road.

Chantelle wouldn’t worry over their future. Lance wouldn’t let her go, and she wouldn’t walk away from him. She wouldn’t lose her first love twice. The first time nearly crushed her. She had stayed up too many nights as the tears drenched her pillow.

It seemed like a lifetime ago. Though years had passed between them, he still made her heart pound on the inside. One of Lance’s hands cradled the back of her head. Her arms remained locked around his neck. His kiss was soft but filled with passion as his lips meshed with hers. As his hands glided down her sides, his thumbs rubbed the arc of her hip-bones.

“I think we’re missing the show.” She breathed against his mouth, but he only kissed her again.

“Are we?” His voice was only a whisper.

“Uh, huh.”

Lance only paid attention to her lips, kissing along the curve of her mouth. “I’m still making up for lost time. It’s been too long.”

“Lance, the show.” Her voice sounded breathy.