Page 93 of The Wedding Report

Andrea walked him to the door, and he kissed her forehead before stepping out into the hallway. As he descended the stairs, he said goodnight to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan. On his way home, Lance gripped the steering wheel.

How was he going to get through the interview? His future wife in the same room as his ex-wife? Not an excellent combination. His chest heaved with a heavy sigh. He didn’t want to go home. Lance wanted more than anything to drive away from Delta Heights.

Before he knew it, he found himself on the country road he and Chantelle loved so much. Parking the car, he cut the engine and rested his head against the headrest. As he closed his eyes, all he could feel was Chantelle in his arms as he spun her across the dance floor.

Then Andrea showed. Her eyes shined with affection. There was no choice. Lance had to believe whatever he was feeling for Chantelle was because of them spending time together.

The eighteen-year-old Lance was almost thirty. He wouldn’t make the rash decision like he did before. When his parents wanted him and Chantelle to give their baby up for adoption, he used some of his savings and bought her a ring. No one else would raise his child. Even if he had to work two or three jobs, he would support his baby and the woman he loved.

Then she lost it. Lance pressed a fist to his forehead. It had to stop. He started the engine and headed home. Once the interview was over, he would ask Chantelle to leave. If only his stomach didn’t clench at the thought of losing her again.


Chantelle grabbed her cross body purse as she sat in her car outside of Lance’s house. Her dreams of him only made her wake in the middle of the night. If it wasn’t her trying to break up the wedding, she dreamed of him running after her at the airport. She read too many romance novels to expect such a grand gesture of love. She got out of the car and headed to the front door.

She unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. When did it get so hot? Looking upward, she released a deep breath. The lawnmower cutting the grass made her head turn. What was she waiting for? Tapping her heeled shoe on the porch, Chantelle rolled her shoulders back.

The doorbell rang in her ears once she pressed the button, but when Dottie answered, the corners of Chantelle’s mouth lifted. “It’s nice to see you again, Dottie.”

Dottie ushered her inside the foyer. “You’re right on time. They just finished lunch.”

Chantelle ignored the burning sensation in her chest. She had a job to do. “Lead the way.”

Dottie directed her to the living area, and Chantelle settled on the couch. Her knee bounced, and she grabbed it to make it stop. This was ridiculous! This was an interview, like she always did. Only... the couples she interviewed in the past didn’t affect her the way Lance and Andrea did. Talking to him one on one was one thing, but could she stomach seeing another woman holding his hand?

It used to be her. She was his girl. Crossing her legs, Chantelle stared into space. Unconsciously, her hand rubbed at her stomach. No. She shook her head. Her chest heaved with another sigh.

Chantelle pulled out her recorder, just as Lance and Andrea entered the room, hand in hand. Her stomach rolled, but she wouldn’t cower now.

Chantelle stood to her feet. “Good afternoon.”

Lance nodded, but Andrea extended her free hand to Chantelle’s. The trio then settled in their seats, with Chantelle on the sofa, and Lance and Andrea on the opposite love seat. The couple continued holding hands, and Chantelle willed herself to speak despite the spots flashing in her vision.

“It’s great to have you both here,” she said. “How was your trip, Andrea?”

“It was amazing. I love traveling. It’s mostly for work, but I love the places I’ve seen over the years.” Andrea’s grin grew wide. She nudged Lance’s shoulder. “Life can’t be all about work.”

Chantelle made a note on her tablet. “I’ve asked Lance about how you two met. I think our readers will love his perspective, but can I get your side of the story?”

Andrea beamed. “Well, the gala that his parents host every year is amazing. I didn’t want to go that night, but my best friend said it would be good for me. I’d been working so hard and a night out was what she thought I needed. I didn’t notice him at first, but I guess I caught his eye.”

“What did you think of him?” Chantelle asked.

“You can tell her,” Lance said. Then he winked at his fiancé, using his free hand to graze her bare knee.

Chantelle adjusted in her seat. This interview needed to hurry. Seeing him with her was making her mouth dry.

Andrea smiled and looked over at Chantelle. “I thought he was handsome. A gentleman, but in my business, you never know who’s being genuine, so I brushed him off at first. Then he got bold.”

“Here we go.” Lance turned to face her, as if her version of their story was intriguing him too.

Chantelle asked. “What did he say?”

“Nothing special that I remember. He asked me out. I said no,” Andrea said.

“Nothing special?” Lance grinned. “Do you know how nervous I was? Then you shut me down like a car salesman.”

She giggled, leaned in, and kissed his cheek. “I didn’t know you then. Anyway, he was persistent. I’d seen him enough in the tabloids to know about him and his family. I gave him