Page 86 of The Wedding Report

The bright sun warmed the rich earth, warming Lance’s skin. He exited his car after parking on the curved cul-de-sac. The summer kickoff had been a hit every year since he could remember, but he loved that Delta Heights turned it into a block party. He walked down the cement sidewalk, noticing balloons tied to mailboxes. They set barricades and cones up to stop traffic, while tables lined the streets holding casseroles and crock pots.

Then his eyes spotted a bouncy house and kids playing ball in the street. Scooters and bicycles passed by him as he made his way closer to the festival. Music played through a sound system while laughter and chatter filled the air.

The grilling of meat hissed and table cloths flapped in the breeze. Of all places, they held this town celebration in Chantelle’s neighborhood. He hadn’t talked to her since their trip to the wedding planner. It was best, and since she didn’t call, he took the needed space.

His knees felt weak, but he moved forward to find familiar faces, including hers. He needed to talk to Chantelle to get past the remaining attraction. Lance had to make it clear.

Then again, was it all in his head? Chantelle was seeing someone else. Perhaps it was his imagination. Chantelle could still care about him without it meaning anything, right? Was it that simple? The love of his life leaving town once she finished her job.

Lance’s eyes widened. Chantelle wasn’t the love of his life anymore. Not with another woman wearing the ring he proposed with. His stomach gnawed. Perhaps food would help.

“Glad you could make it,” Grant said with a grin.

He shook his friend’s hand. ?

??Me too.”

“Your parents joining us later?”

“You know they prefer to stay to themselves.” His parents thought they were above such gatherings. Unless it was a black-tie event, the Taylors didn’t show for “mundane affairs” as his mother called it.

Grant shrugged. “Well, we’ve got plenty of food so come on and eat.”

Smoke from the grill filled Lance’s lungs as he served himself a plate. Sitting at one table, his stomach approved of the potato salad, boiled corn, and the smoked chicken. The wind teased his skin as he ate, and he appreciated the cool breeze. Then he saw… her.

Dressed in fitted jeans and a short-sleeved tank top, Chantelle made the simplest clothes look breathtaking. Hair in a high ponytail, she chatted with Elise. Lance didn’t know what the conversation was about, but the way her arms flung in the air, she was showing her passion with a smile on that gorgeous face of hers. Finishing his meal, he wiped his hands clean with a napkin, and tossed his trash in a nearby trash bin.

“Get enough?” Douglas asked.

Lance had to admit he liked her stepfather, especially after he watched the trauma of the Woods’ family losing Chantelle’s father. Lance was glad the family was doing better. Douglas seemed to be the right fit for them. “Yes sir, you outdid yourself on the meat.”

“Thank you, Lance.” He gestured at the foil pan in his hand, filled with more meat. “Not finished yet.” Douglas headed back to the grill.

Grant nodded. “I don’t know how he does it. Mom must have begged him to cook.”

“Some men can.”

His friend pointed at him. “I’m not one for the kitchen. I’ve told you that.”

Lance chuckled at his friend. At that moment, the women walked over, Elise and Chantelle.

“What’s so funny?” Elise asked. Grant brought her to sit in his lap and kissed her cheek.

“Nothing much. Grant can’t cook.” Lance replied.

“Tell us something we don’t know.” Chantelle folded her arms.

“What about our senior year cook-off?” Grant reminded them. “I cooked a mean shrimp pasta.”

“Too much salt.” Lance pointed out.

Elise hugged her husband’s neck. “Leave the cooking to me. Save us all the trouble, please?”

“Fine.” Then the music changed to a slow R&B song. Lance recognized the tune, “Slow Jam” by Usher and Monica. Grant motioned for him and Elise to dance. They walked to the street along with the other couples.

Lance watched as Chantelle swayed. “You’re not expecting me to ask you, are you?”

She shook her head. “I know how you feel about it so… no.” She gave a half a smile.