Page 40 of The Wedding Report

“Are you serious?”


“Whose idea was this? Your mother’s? She’s already controlling the wedding.”

“You said she could help, but if you were here, she wouldn’t have to. What do I care about if we have a DJ or a band? It’s not my job.”

“Why don’t you say what’s really bothering you? Is it work, Lance?” Her voice mellowed as if she were trying to remain calm. “Talk to me.”

He stood on his carpeted floor and paced back and forth. “I don’t understand why we can’t have a destination wedding or even go to the courthouse. All this fancy stuff is not worth it to me.”

“Lance, almost every woman in life has dreamed of her wedding. I’ve been imagining this since I was a little girl. It’s a dream come true for me. I don’t think a perfect wedding is too much to ask for.”

Perfect. A word he had tried to live up to his entire life. If he wasn’t trying to please his parents, he was trying to be the best lawyer and beat the record of other attorneys at his father’s firm. Lance pinched the bridge of his nose. He slowed his breathing.

He couldn’t keep doing it. Something had to change. His parents were another topic altogether, but he could try with his future wife. “Perfect, huh?”

“You don’t agree?” Her voice sounded full of concern.

Lance’s chin dropped to his chest. “I’m not perfect, Andrea. If that’s what you’re expecting, I’ll never live up to that.”

She sighed. “Are you having second thoughts? Does this have to do with your—”

“That’s the past. I told you that,” he said. He didn’t want to open old wounds. Not with her, especially since he hadn’t told her about Chantelle being back in town. When was the right time?

Andrea continued. “Then can we talk about this later? The wedding plans, I mean.”

“Why can’t we talk now? You have my attention. Don’t I have yours?” Lance asked.

“It’s just… I have a few appointments tomorrow, and I can’t be late. I need to get some sleep.” Her voice sounded regretful.

Lance blew out his cheeks. He forgot about the time difference. “Alright, when will you be available again? Should I call you or check with Roland, your agent?”

“I can’t believe you! This is important to me, and you don’t even care. You know what, yes. Call my agent when you want to talk like the man I’m marrying.”

She hung up. His last comment went too far, and the lump in his throat only worsened. He could call back to apologize, but she wouldn’t listen. Andrea was the type that needed to cool off. Chantelle faced an argument head on.

Lance pressed one fist to his forehead. He wouldn’t compare them. Clutching his phone, he thought about calling Andrea again. Knowing still she wouldn’t answer, he stuffed his phone in his pocket. To his surprise, his phone buzzed. Andrea called back.

“Sorry,” she said.

Lance released a deep breath. “Me too.”

“What’s the problem, Lance? It has to be more than the wedding.”

“Why haven’t you come to Delta Heights?”

“I’ll be there soon enough. I plan on—”

“No, I mean before.” Chantelle’s question had rang in his ears.

Why didn’t Andrea visit him? A relationship worked both ways. “I grew up here. I’d like for you to see where I grew up. My old high school. The community center.”

“I didn’t know it meant that much to you.”

“I guess I never mentioned it.” They had to get better at communicating or they wouldn’t work. Communication and trust. Those words stood out to him more than anything. He could trust Andrea. He knew that from their first conversation that she was confident and strong. They shared the same values—somewhat.

Would it be enough to sustain a marriage? Where was this tension between them coming from?