Page 14 of The Wedding Report

Lance’s father wasn’t much help running his own law practice. Arrogance. Why did some use their education to act superior to others? Couldn’t they use their influence for good? Lance’s childhood played in his mind. His mother ran the household, along with him and his sister. Amelia would have been twenty-five today. Lance shut his eyes for a moment. He needed to visit his little sister’s gravesite.

She would have been a terrific athlete at fourteen, since she desired to be a professional swimmer. Her coach reminded her to count her strokes when in the water. However, the day of her first high school swim meet, Amelia had hit her head. She was later pronounced dead on the way to the hospital.

“If only we had more time for this wedding,” his mother said, fiddling with her diamond studded earring.

“It’s Andrea’s schedule.” He answered.

“Well, at least she comes from an excellent family, despite her parents splitting. Her father’s a senator, and her mother was—”

“Shannon Hall, the retired Academy Award-winning actress. I know, Mom.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m only saying that this wedding will be the talk of the town. We can’t afford any hiccups. Make sure you’re up bright and early for your first interview tomorrow with the reporter.”

Lance would much rather sleep in and stay in bed. All he did nowadays was travel back and forth across the USA. Conference calls with CEOs. Zoom meetings. Reading and renegotiating contracts. He rarely had a day off.

Once upon a time, making deals gave him an adrenaline rush. He couldn’t wait to make partner in his father’s law firm, but at what price? When was the last time he enjoyed working a case? Life wasn’t about fun all the time, but Lance couldn’t recall the last time he loved his work.

He blinked. A dream. He overrated passion in work along with the soulmate jargon. People worked to make a living. He did pro bono work in the past. That’s how he connected with the town’s community center.

“I’ll talk with the baker one more time before we leave. Just in case we missed something.” His mother didn’t give him a chance to respond. She strutted away.

Lance pulled his lips in and called his fiancé. He waved goodnight to the baker and walked to his car. After three rings in the background, Andrea answered. Loud music flooded his ear along with muffled voices.

“Andrea? Are you there?” He asked.

“Hey, Babe. We finished shooting for today, so we’re out celebrating.” She answered.

“Can you talk? I can barely hear you.”

He heard rustling along with an “excuse me” before the noise died down. “How about now?”

“That’s better. How did it go?”

“Amazing!” She shrieked.

Lance chuckled at her excitement. “That’s great.” Passion for her work. His chest swelled with pride. “When do you think you’ll be wrapping it up?”

“Well… I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. There’s talk of another shoot in…”


“Rome, Italy or Paris, France. They’re still working out the details.”

He shut his eyes and exhaled. “I thought we agreed no more modeling gigs before the wedding.”

“I know, but I talked with the director and his schedule is so hectic—”

“You realize our wedding is in a month? I’ve only been able to reserve the venue because you said that was the best day for you. I can’t plan this wedding alone.”

She sighed. “Does it matter who plans it as long as we’re together?”

“I thought you’d want some input, at least.”

“I do, but this gig is huge. Come on, Lance. You know this is important to me.”

Andrea had told him before how she wanted to break from her mother’s shadow. Within the first month of them dating, Andrea had told Lance that she didn’t want to be known just as Shannon Hall’s daughter. Lance had seen a few of her mother’s movies. His future-mother-in-law had talent, but his wife-to-be wanted to make a name for herself. Now that she’d found her niche, she couldn’t let it go.

“I get it.”