Page 118 of The Wedding Report


Chantelle listened to the quiet whoosh of the ship moving through the water along with the wind in her ears. She inhaled the briny sea water as she sat at the table and chairs on the balcony of their room.

When she presented the idea to her mother and Douglas to renew their vows, her mother wasn’t sure if she and Lance were serious. Douglas jumped at the chance and Lance’s parents consented to make amends with their son.

Chantelle grinned, brushing her curls behind her face. Grant gave her mother away again, while she and Elise stood as bridesmaids. The press had a field day with the story, spinning narratives on why Lance gifted an older couple with his wedding. He gave no comment, and the interview he did with Andrea caused other rumors to desist. For the time being.

Leaning back in her chair, Chantelle stared at her ring. It fit perfectly, along with her new wedding band. Lance surprised her at the end of her parents’ reception with another date. Not much of a secret since she knew of his plans. The venue was private, but the justice of the peace was there. What surprised her? This time, her friends and family were there.

She asked Douglas to give her away, and the man’s eyes glistened. She and Lance exchanged vows, promising each other forever—again. What made her eyes bug was when Douglas and her mother gifted them with the cruise. Turned out, he failed at convincing her mother to go with him. They figured it was the least they could do since Chantelle and Lance gave them their dream wedding. Douglas even got his wish, and they took a family photo prior to her and Lance leaving.

“Mrs. Taylor, are you out here?” Lance asked.

She looked over at him and smiled. “I think you like saying that, Mr. Taylor.”

He winked at her. “Talked to your mom?”

Chantelle bobbed her head. “She can’t stop thanking us.”

“It was your idea.” He looked away for a moment. The wind picked up the hem of his white collared shirt.

“Have you talked to your parents since we left?” Chantelle asked.

“They said they hope we have a pleasant trip. We’ll see them when we get back.”

Chantelle didn’t pry. He was on the right track with his parents. Some progress was better than nothing, but at least they agreed to talk more.

“Thinking again?” He asked.

She couldn’t hide her grin. “I think Javier and Cameron might hit it off. She said I could give him her number.”

Lance squinted his eyes. “Are you a matchmaker now?”

“No. I have my hands full with the paper.” It would be official when they returned. Chantelle had to pinch herself, but it was happening. She would own Delta Heights Press.

“What else is on your mind, Mrs. Taylor?”

She giggled. “You like saying that, don’t you?”

Lance sat at the edge of the lounge chair, and Chantelle didn’t hesitate to sit in his lap.

“Don’t you like it?” He kissed the skin behind her ear, trailing his lips down her neck.

Chantelle moaned. “I guess I do.”

Her husband looked up at her. “Happy?”

“Very.” Then her eyes diverted to the sunset. The water reflecting the sun, glittering like diamonds. “Wow. It’s so beautiful out here.”

No response.

“Lance, did you hear me?”

He only stared at her.

Chantelle cupped his cheek. “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s not a dream anymore,” he said. “You’re here. With me.”