Page 27 of The M.D. Next Door

“Nina was going to teach me how to knit. We only had a couple of lessons before she broke her leg.”

“I could teach you, if your dad hires me.”

Alice turned eagerly to Meagan. “Can’t you hire her, Meagan? I like her.”

Meagan held up both hands quickly. “All I’m doing is interviewing and making some recommendations, Alice. Your dad wants to meet the top two or three applicants and decide for himself who to hire. Jacqui knows that.”

Jacqui nodded. “I’d want to meet him, too, before I’d take the job, Alice. You know, just to make sure everyone knows what to expect.”

Remembering her comment about employers making passes, Meagan suspected Jacqui would want to reassure herself that Seth wouldn’t be a problem in that respect. Even though Meagan had promised her that wouldn’t be an issue, Jacqui seemed like the type who would want to confirm for herself.

“I’m going to recommend you as one of the applicants for Seth to interview,” she said on a sudden impulse. “I’ll give him your number so he can set up a time to meet with you this weekend, if that’s convenient with you. He wants to make his decision by Sunday, if possible.”

“That would be great.” Jacqui’s dazzling smile made her look so pretty that Meagan had a momentary qualm about her decision. Not that she’d changed her mind about Seth’s behavior, but maybe that gray-haired senior citizen she’d envisioned would be a better choice, anyway.

And then she wondered in exasperation why she should care in the least that Seth might find another woman attractive. Or that Alice just might bond with another woman. Nina was the one being replaced, not herself. Her own role in Seth and Alice’s life was fleeting, at best, she thought, trying to ignore the hollow feeling that thought left in the pit of her stomach.

Because of an unexpected cancelation, Seth got away from the office a little earlier than usual Thursday. He drove away from the parking lot in a good mood, thinking of the extra time he’d have to spend with his daughter.

The days were growing longer as May wound to a close, and the neighborhood was active on this warm afternoon. The drone of lawnmowers underlay the scents of fresh-cut grass and charcoal grills. His neighbors were taking full advantage of the nice weather in preparation for the rain predicted for the weekend, he thought with a smile. He should get outside and play with Alice and Waldo for a while this afternoon.

Alice and Waldo were already outside, he realized, spotting them in Meagan’s front yard as he drove down his street. Meagan stood nearby, watching and applauding while Alice walked Waldo up and down the driveway on his leash. They were all smiling and looked like they were having a great time—even the dog. Alice had worked with Waldo every day since he’d started obedience training, walking him on the leash, firmly repeating commands, rewarding him with praise and pats, as she’d been instructed to do. Her efforts were beginning to pay off.

On an impulse, Seth parked at the curb and climbed out of his car. “Hello, ladies. And Waldo.”

Alice whirled with a flash of braces. “Hi, Dad! You’re early. Cool. Did you see me walking Waldo? He’s doing great.”

Seth moved to stand beside Meagan, exchanging smiles of greeting with her. “Let’s see it again.”

Waldo strained at the leash, trying his best to bound over to greet Seth with barks and licks. Her feet firmly planted to keep the dog from toppling her over, Alice tugged on the leash to get his attention. “Come on, Waldo. Heel.”

It took a couple of repeated commands but he cooperated eventually, dutifully walking at her left side and sitting whenever she stopped walking as he was being trained to do in obedience classes. After she’d walked him up and down the driveway a few times, Alice ordered Waldo to sit, then dropped her end of the leash, repeating the word “stay” as she backed away from him. The dog whined and twitched a little, but stayed where she’d left him until she told him to “break.” The moment he heard the word, he bounded from his spot and dashed toward Seth.

Seth caught the dog in midleap, saving his face from being swiped by an eager, wet tongue. “Down, Waldo. Good boy.”

Alice caught the trailing leash to keep her pet from running toward the road. “He’s doing a lot better, isn’t he, Dad?”

“Much better.” He glanced again at Meagan. “Maybe I won’t have to send him to doggie military school, after all.”


Still looking at Meagan, he asked, “Did you roll your eyes that way when you were her age?”

“Every teenage girl has that mastered,” Meagan replied lightly.

“Must be in the genes.”

She laughed. “I suppose it is.”

“Did Nina leave the hospital today, Dad?”

He turned to Alice and nodded. “She did. I went by to see her on my lunch break, while Lisa was helping her get ready to go. Nina said to tell you she’d send you a computer message as soon as she’s settled into her daughter’s house.”

Alice nodded, her smile gone now. Seth had taken her to say her own goodbyes the night before, and it had been a difficult visit for all of them. Nina had been so much a part of their family.

Meagan spoke brightly. “I have salsa chicken in the oven for dinner. It should be ready in about…” She checked her watch. “…ten minutes. I’d love it if you both could join me.”

It wasn’t the first time she’d cooked dinner for them that week. Seth had assured her he could manage to feed himself and Alice, but she’d argued that she didn’t mind. It gave her something to do with herself during this last week of her sick leave.