Page 25 of The M.D. Next Door

His crooked, slightly sheepish smile made her heart trip over a beat. She wasn’t sure she could say no to anything in response to that smile. And wasn’t that a worrisome realization?

“Forget it.” His charming smile fading, Seth made a dismissive gesture with one hand, seeming to rethink his impulsive suggestion. “That was too much to ask. Just an impulse…you’ve done enough for our family already.”

“No, just a sec.” Now that she wasn’t dazzled by his smile, she could think a bit more clearly. “It’s not a terrible idea. You’re frantically busy, especially since you don’t have any help at home just now, and I’m going crazy sitting here with nothing to do. I wouldn’t feel comfortable hiring anyone, but I could weed out some of the more obviously unsuitable applicants and make a few recommendations for you.”

“Wow, that would be so… But no, really. Interviewing applicants is hardly fun. You should be enjoying your time off.”

“I’ve sat by the pool until I’m sick of my own backyard, and I’ve read every book I’ve bought during the past year. I’ve had lunch quite a few times with my mom and grandmother. I can’t think of anything else to do, frankly.”

He studied her with amused eyes. “Don’t know what to do with leisure time?”

“It’s not something I have a lot of experience with,” she replied with a shrug. “Nor interviewing housekeeper applicants either, but I figure it can’t be all that hard to talk to a few and set up appointments for you with some of the better ones.”

“Did you hire your housekeeper through an agency or on your own?”

“Neither. My mom sent her to me,” she admitted with a laugh. “They go to the same church, and my mom knew Carole was looking for someone to fill an opening in her client list. Carole has ten or twelve clients she cleans for, usually on a weekly or every-two-week basis. She likes variety, which is why I said she wouldn’t be interested in a full-time position for one client.”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry, I won’t try to steal your housekeeper away.”

“I appreciate that,” she responded with a smile. “I keep the house fairly neat—mostly because I’m not here enough to make a mess—but I hate doing the heavy cleaning she does twice a month.”

Picking up her tea mug again, she said, “I’d be happy to do some interviews for you, Seth. It seems like a helpful, neighborly thing to do.”

Her wording made him laugh and relax, as she’d intended. They needed to keep things light and comfortable between them for now. She had agreed to help him because she had the time and he needed the assistance. There was no reason for either of them to read any more into this plan.

He didn’t stay much longer. They discussed details of the housekeeper interviews while they finished their tea, and Seth gave her information on how to contact him at work if she needed him. She walked him to the door afterward, stepping out onto the porch with him as they finalized their plans for her to begin interviews on Monday.

“So if you can narrow it down to two or three good applicants at the most—or even to the one you think is best—that would be incredibly helpful,” he summed up, juggling his car keys in his hand. “A nonsmoker, willing to work five and a half days a week, and maybe an occasional evening when I have late plans and there’s no one else to stay with Alice. Holidays off and two weeks summer vacation. Plenty of time to handle personal business or errands during the day, as long as she’s on time picking up Alice from school and available to chauffeur her to activities during the summer. Someone good around the house, a decent cook and mostly someone who can be trusted with Alice.”

“Absolutely,” she assured him. “I’d never recommend anyone I wouldn’t trust implicitly with Alice.”

He smiled. “That’s why I asked for your help with this. I knew you’d understand my priorities.”

She returned the smile and repeated, “Absolutely.”

“You’re sure you don’t mind?”

“Seth.” She rested a hand lightly on his arm to emphasize her words. “It’s settled. I’ll help you. Don’t give it another thought.”

“Thanks, Meagan. I’ll owe you big time for this.”

She laughed. “Don’t think I won’t collect someday.”

He shifted his weight, and she realized suddenly how close they stood. Her hand was still on his arm. She started to move it, but he covered it with his own before she could step back.


“You can collect any time,” he said, his voice a little lower now, his gaze locked with hers.

“Oh, um…” Her mind seemed suddenly as dim and shadowy as the world beyond the porch lights. “Thanks.”

His smile deepened at the corners, and her heart rate sped a little faster. Seth was a nice enough looking guy, anyway, but when he smiled…like this…wow.

Still looking into her eyes, he lowered his head a little more. Very slowly, giving her plenty of time to draw back or turn her cheek, if she wanted. She tilted her face upward, instead.

His lips brushed hers lightly. It was a friendly kiss, neither demanding nor tentative. Yet when it ended, and he drew back to smile at her again, she felt very much as if they’d just stepped over an invisible line between friendly neighbors and something a little more…intimate.

“Good night, Meagan,” he murmured and turned away, leaving her hand grasping empty air. She lowered it quickly to her side, stepping into her house and closing the door without waiting to watch him drive away.