He smiled. “Good night, Cara.”

She nodded and left the room, leaving Dean to wonder what, or who, had put that hopeless, frightened look in her eyes. There was something about her that brought out his protective instincts.

It wasn’t a romantic feeling he was developing toward her, he decided, trying to analyze his reactions. More of a big-brotherly attachment, similar to the stronger bond he had with his younger sister.

All in all, he decided, fraternal feelings were much easier to deal with than romantic ones.

HAVING DOWNED the milk and cookies, Dean took a warm shower before bed. He was trying everything he knew, short of pills, to make himself sleepy.

He’d forgotten to take clean underwear into the bathroom with him so he wrapped a towel loosely around his hips and went into his bedroom, where he pulled a pair of soft white cotton briefs out of a bureau drawer. He dropped the towel and bent to step into them.

Something cool and tingly touched his right hip, just below his tan line.

“That really is a cute heart-shaped birthmark,” a soft, musical voice said from behind him. “One might almost call it a Valentine mark.”

Stumbling and swearing, Dean jerked his underwear into place and turned.

Apparently unfazed by finding him nude, Mary Anna Cameron gave him a melting smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Hi, Dean.”

He leaned heavily against the dresser, his heart still pounding from the start she’d given him—and from the sheer excitement of seeing her again.

He hadn’t realized until that moment just how badly he’d missed her. And how afraid he’d been that she wouldn’t return.

He really was in big trouble this time.


What is life without the radiance of love?

—Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller

“HOW LONG has it been?” Anna asked, her smile fading as she searched his face.

He knew what she was asking. “It’s been two weeks since you were here last.”

“I see.”

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming back.”

She moved a step closer. “Would you have cared if I hadn’t, Dean?”

He held her gaze with his, knowing he shouldn’t answer. And yet he heard himself saying, “Yeah. I’d have cared.”

Her smile was edged with sadness. She turned away, drifting around the room, touching one thing, then another. “I’ve been there. The waiting place. With Ian. I tried to come back before, but I couldn’t, for some reason. I’ve been here a while today.”

“Have you?” He wondered how long she’d been watching him. Had she been there when he’d showered?

“I saw you with that woman. The bleached-blonde who sold you our inn. She asked you out. Women in my day weren’t so forward.”

“No?” He found it hard to believe Mary Anna Cameron had ever been shy and inhibited.

She laughed softly. “Well, most weren’t,” she admitted . And then she glanced at him. “You turned her down.”

“I wasn’t interested.”

“Because you still love

your ex-wife?”