Page 6 of Love Lessons

She would never know what impulse made her open her mouth and blurt, “I’ll help you.”

He looked at her with a curiously lifted eyebrow. “Um—what?”

She told herself that it would make her look even more foolish to take her words back now. And why should she, really? After all, he’d done the favor of helping her rescue Norman. And this was certainly something she was qualified to offer him in return.

“I’ll help you study for the test…if you’re interested. My undergraduate degree was in biology. So if there’s anything I can do to help you prepare—”

“Hey, I’m not too proud to beg for help,” he said with a devastatingly attractive, crooked grin. “If you’re sure you have the time, and it isn’t too much trouble, I would be grateful for any help you can give me. I really want to pass this test.”

She nodded. “It’s no trouble at all. When would you like to come by?”

“Are you free tomorrow afternoon?”

“I have some things to do at work in the morning, but I should be home by about two. Shall we make it three o’clock?”

“I’ll be there. And, hey, thanks, Dr. Travis. I really appreciate this.”

She glanced down at the cat dozing contentedly in her arms, purring like a chain saw. “It’s the least I can do. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

Eager now to get away before she said something incredibly dumb, she carried Norman up the stairs to her apartment. When she glanced down from her front door, she noticed that Mike was already gone.

Chapter Two

“Hey, Mike! Heads up.”

He turned just in time to snatch the basketball out of the air, spin and sink it into a basket above his head. Nothing but net.

Three male voices groaned loudly. Two others cheered. Mike’s three-on-three teammates slapped him on the back and offered upraised hands for high fives.

> “And that would be…game!” Bob Sharp performed an embarrassingly dorky dance of victory, his near-shoulder-length red hair flying around his square-jawed face.

“Dude.” Mike rolled his eyes. “Chill.”

“Seriously.” Black-haired, green-eyed Brandon Williams, the third member of the winning team, tossed a sweaty towel at Bob. “You’re making us look bad.”

Still joking around with his teammates and opponents—also all friends—Mike moved to a bench at one side of the park basketball court and rooted in his gym bag for his watch. He groaned when he found it. He had lost track of time during the game and now he had ten minutes to shower, change, grab his books and make it to Catherine Travis’s apartment by three o’clock.

He was going to be late.

“Hey, Mike. Wanna go have a beer and watch a game or two?”

“Can’t,” he replied to Bob’s suggestion. “Gotta study.”

Typically, Bob brushed off the excuse. “C’mon, man, you can study later. It’s not like you’ll be grounded if you don’t get an A.”

He laughed heartily at his own joke. Bob still couldn’t understand why Mike had decided to go back to school almost ten years after dropping out of his first attempt at higher education. Bob was perfectly happy driving a delivery truck and stocking snack machines in local businesses, spending his leisure hours hanging with friends and chasing women.

Until a few months ago, Mike had been pretty much content with that lifestyle himself. Now that he had decided he wanted more, some of his friends seemed determined to try to talk him out of it.

“C’mon, Mike, have a beer with us,” Brandon seconded. “It’s too nice a day to study.”

“Sorry, guys. Can’t. I’m supposed to meet someone at three for a study session, and I’m already running late.”

“Oh, ho.” Bob gave a sudden, knowing grin. “That explains your hurry to hit the books. So who is she?”

“Just someone who offered to help me get ready for a test Monday. And I’ve really got to go, guys. See you later, okay?”

“You’re holding out on us, Clancy,” Bob called after him. “We want to meet this chick.”