Page 51 of Love Lessons

“Well, yeah. I mean, I’d rather see people singing and dancing than philosophizing and dying dramatically, you know?”

She laughed. “Actually, I like musicals, myself, though I also enjoy the more dramatic plays.” She hesitated only a moment before saying, “The local community theater is putting on Seven Brides for Seven Brothers next weekend. Karen and I were going to go, but then she found out that Wayne’s brother from Chicago is going to be in town then, so I’ve ended up with an extra ticket. I was going to ask Julia, but if you’re interested, maybe you’d like to—?”

“I’d like that,” he said quickly. “Thanks for asking.”

She didn’t know if he was really interested in seeing the play or if he just wanted the excuse to see her again. Either way, she was pleased that he’d accepted. And maybe a little nervous about it, too. After all, they had just committed to spend another weekend together. And something—perhaps that same annoying inner voice that had nagged her the night before—warned her that the more time she spent with Mike, the harder it was going to be when they inevitably went their own ways.

Catherine and Mike saw each other nearly every day that week, and when they didn’t get together, they spoke by phone. It was a light week at work for Catherine, so she had time to spend with him. As for him, he kept telling her that his classes were going well and he was keeping up with his studies. Other than that, they continued to pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist.

This couldn’t last, she reminded herself frequently. They were ignoring their friends and his family. She hadn’t even mentioned him to her parents. They were also pretty much ignoring the differences between them.

They limited their activities to the very few things they had already tried successfully. They went for long walks along the scenic hiking trail that ran alongside the Arkansas River. They played board games and card games. They watched television when they could find programs that were of some interest to both of them. They dined out at rather generic chain restaurants where both could find dishes they liked. They played with Norman, and they enjoyed each other.

Catherine had never been in a physical relationship that was so intense. Mike was passionate and demonstrative, making no secret of his desire for her. It was a heady feeling to walk across a room and know that he was watching appreciatively. As much as she valued being admired for her competence and intelligence, it was kind of nice to be on the receiving end of a handsome, virile young man’s—well, lust, she thought with a warmth in her cheeks.

So maybe it would all burn out very quickly, and both of them would go back to the lives they had led before their chance meeting. Every woman should have memories of at least one exciting, impetuous affair to savor in her later years, right?

They both enjoyed the play they saw on Saturday evening. Had she attended with Karen, as originally planned, Catherine might have been a bit more critical later of the individual actors and the directorial decisions, but since Mike had seemed satisfied with the production, she kept those opinions to herself. After all, she had liked the play, she assured herself. She was simply in the habit of critically reviewing plays and films afterward with her companions.

Mike’s review of the play was succinct. “That was fun. And the actress who played Milly was hot.”

Taking her cue from him, she agreed that the production had been enjoyable, then added teasingly, “I didn’t really notice that actress so much—but the guy who played Benjamin was definitely hot.”

“Oh, yeah?” Standing in the middle of her living room, he wrapped his arms around her, his eyes twinkling down into hers. “Hotter than me?”

She walked her fingers up his chest and gazed up at him through her lashes, giving him what she hoped was a coyly seductive smile. “Impossible,” she murmured. “But about that actress—”

His lips hovering only a millimeter above hers, he asked, “What actress?”

Satisfied, she pulled his mouth to hers.

Norman had to be content with entertaining himself in the living room for quite a while that evening.

“A pathogenic fungus invades a plant. The infected plant produces what in response to the attack?”

“Have I ever told you how pretty you look in green?”

“Mike—what does the infected plant produce in response to the attack?”

Stretched out on her couch with his head in her lap and her cat on his stomach, Mike sighed. “Phytochrome.”

“Very good.” She popped a red M&M into his mouth as a reward. He grinned and chewed.

Setting the bowl of candies back on the end table beside her, she glanced at the study sheet in her hand. “Name two plant hormones that might be used to enhance stem elongation and fruit growth.”

He sighed again, drawing her attention back to him. She almost sighed herself. He looked so darned good sprawled beside her, his long legs encased in faded jeans with a hole in the right knee, his feet in white socks, his blue plaid cotton shirt untucked and unbuttoned enough to reveal a mouthwatering expanse of sleek, tanned chest. His head was heavy on her thigh, his warmth seeping through the thin black athletic pants she wore with her lime green long-sleeved T-shirt.

It took her a moment to remember what she had asked him. “Mike, are you listening to me? Which plant hormones might be used to enhance stem elongation and fruit growth?”

“I heard you,” he muttered, shifting his weight a little and almost distracting her all over again. “Auxins and…some other one.”

“Giberellins,” she supplied patiently for him. “Describe the function of auxin.”

“I haven’t the foggiest idea.” He reached up to draw her head down to his for a kiss. “But I do know that you have the prettiest eyes…”

“No.” She pulled her lips from his with an effort. “You’re supposed to be studying. You have a test.”

“I’ll study later. I need a break now.”