Page 18 of Love Lessons

“Just let me grab some coffee first. Would you like a cup?”

“No, I’m good. Thanks.”

She watched as he crossed the room to the coffee urns, then carried his steaming mug to the cashier to pay. Dr. William James was a pleasant-looking cardiologist of around forty, with clear gray eyes, a nose that was just a little too long and a smile that automatically set everyone around him at ease. His sandy hair was thinning at the temples, but he was still as trim and fit as a man in his early twenties, thanks to a healthy lifestyle and a well-known passion for running.

Catherine had known him for almost a year, having met him through the course of a research project for which he had consulted with her several times. She had been able to assist him with the science behind his clinical study, and they had been on friendly terms ever since, though their encounters were rare.

“So how have you been?” he asked after settling into a seat across the table from her. “Anything new and exciting in the immunology department these days?”

Stashing her journal article in the messenger bag, she shook her head. “Not unless you count the incubator going out Monday and ruining several weeks of experiments.”

He grimaced. “That sounds annoying.”

“Very. Fortunately, nothing particularly important was lost, but equipment malfunctions are one of the more frustrating parts of research, especially when one just happens to be a ‘control freak,’ as I’ve been accused of on more than one occasion.”

He smiled at her over the rim of his coffee cup as he took another sip. Smiling herself, Catherine swallowed the last of her cookie along with a final sip of her iced tea.

“Catherine, would you like to attend a function with me this Thursday evening?”

She almost choked on her tea in response to the out-of-the-blue invitation. Setting the tumbler down rather hastily, she said, “A, uh, function?”

Nodding a bit ruefully, he explained. “It’s a retirement party for Angus McNulty. Do you know him?”

“I know who he is—neurology, right? But I’ve never actually met him,” she added, after Bill nodded to confirm the identification.

“Nice guy, though some think he’s a bit gruff. Anyway, I thought I was going to be out of town this week, but my trip was canceled at the last minute, so now I guess I have to make an appearance at this thing. It would be great if you could go with me, keep me company.”

It was the first time since she had met him that Bill had shown any interest in going out with her. Nor had she even contemplated seeing him socially. She didn’t know why, exactly. She had known he was single—divorced, actually—and she certainly found him pleasant enough company.

She knew Karen would urge her to accept his invitation. Even Julia would probably approve of Bill. Catherine couldn’t understand why she herself was taking so long to decide how to respond to his invitation.

“Look, if you have other plans, I understand. I know it was short notice.”

Making a quick decision, she shook her head. “I’d be delighted to attend the party with you.”

Hadn’t she been telling herself that she needed to make some changes in her life? That she needed to get out of the predictable rut she had fallen into? Besides, this would give her a chance to wear that new red dress.

Bill seemed pleased that she had accepted, though he probably wondered about the long pause that had preceded her answer. Even after they had made arrangements and gone back to their respective jobs, Catherine wondered if she should have come up with an excuse to politely decline his invitation.

She wished she could work up a bit more enthusiasm for her first date in a pathetically long time.

Chapter Five

It had to be a strange quirk of fate that had Mike stepping out of the recently vacated apartment next to Catherine’s just as she reached her door late Tuesday afternoon. Toolbox in hand, he stopped with a smile.

His dark-blond hair was mussed, tumbling onto his forehead and almost into his bright-blue eyes. He wore a gray T-shirt and soft-washed jeans with a hole in the right knee. The ultracasual garments fit his muscular body to perfection. And her pulse rate, which had been slow and steady when polished and professional Bill had asked her out, turned suddenly rapid and erratic.

“Catherine. How are you?”

“I’m very well, thank you,” she replied, grateful that her voice sounded normal, at least to her own ears.

“I guess you’ve been busy at work. I haven’t seen you around lately.”

“Yes, it’s been a bit hectic. You seem to be busy, too.” She nodded toward the toolbox.

“I’ve been doing some repairs in this apartment so the painters can come in and get it ready for the new tenant. Not to mention that all the garbage disposals in the complex seem to be breaking at once. Had any trouble with yours?”

“No, it’s working fine.”