Page 16 of Love Lessons

“So tell me more about your upcoming test,” she said a bit too hastily. “Do you feel pretty confident about it?”

A third slice of pizza halfway to his mouth, Mike looked a bit surprised by her abrupt change of subject. “Um—yeah, pretty good. There are a couple of things I’m hoping you can explain a little better for me, but I think I have a good chance at doing well.”

Chagrined at her awkwardness, she stuffed a bite of pizza into her mouth and reached grimly for her glass. She had certainly brought that conversation to an abrupt halt.

Maybe she had better just stick to tutoring.

Mike gathered his books and papers and stuffed them into his backpack an hour and a half later. “Once again, you’ve been really helpful, Catherine. I think I’m ready for the test now.”

Catherine stood just a few feet away, watching him prepare to leave. Norman lay bonelessly in her arms, purring so loudly Mike could hear him from where he stood. “You’ve very welcome. Let me know how it goes, okay? I’ll be curious.”

“Yes, I will.” He was rather pleased by her request, since it indicated a willingness on her part for their budding friendship to continue. He’d thought earlier that perhaps he had blown it by asking too many questions about her. It rather surprised him how important it was for him to keep the lines of communication open between them.

It wasn’t because she was helping him study. He liked her. He admired her sharp mind and her generosity. Her cat. And, he had to admit, her chocolatey eyes, sensual mouth and willowy figure.

He hesitated at the door, a bit reluctant to leave. “I forgot to ask, how did you like that new restaurant the other night? I saw you there with your friends.”

“I thought it was quite good. My friends and I try to get together for dinner at least once a month, and we’re always pleased to find someplace new to eat. I noticed that your group seemed to be having a good time.”

He chuckled. “Those were my sister’s friends, actually. It was her birthday, so she chose who to invite. But I had a good time with them.”

“That beautiful redhead is your sister?” Catherine asked in surprise.

Smiling, he nodded. “That’s Laurie. My sister Charlie was also at the table. You might not have seen her because she had her back to you, but she’s another redhead.”

“Do all your sisters have red hair?”

“Three of the four inherited Dad’s red hair. The other sister, the oldest, Gretchen, has the same blond hair that our mother and I have.”

“Are they all as pretty as Laurie?”

“Well, I think so—but I’m not exactly objective.”

“A very handsome family, apparently.”

He couldn’t help wondering if she included him in that description. Vain of him, of course, but he would like to think she found him as attractive as she was to him. “I guess I’d better go. Thanks again, Catherine. I wish there was some way that I could repay you.”

“You’ve brought flowers and pizza. That’s really plenty.”

He couldn’t understand what it was about her that made him uncharacteristically tongue-tied. With any other attractive, intriguing woman, he’d have already made his move. Flirted a little, tested her reaction to see if she might be receptive to going out with him. After that…well, he usually just allowed nature to take its course.

Catherine Travis made him feel as awkward and uncertain as a schoolboy who’d never even had his first date. And because he wasn’t sure he liked that feeling, he made a swift departure at that point, before he made a complete fool of himself.

Catherine was very busy at work during the next week. She spent long hours in the lab and at her desk, arriving home late and tired, then leaving very early again the next morning. She neither saw nor heard from Mike during that week, nor did she expect to. As reluctant as she was to admit it, she wasn’t sure she would ever see him again, except in passing, perhaps, around the complex.

It wasn’t as if anything had changed in her life, she told herself as she sat wearily on her couch late Friday evening, trying to get up the energy to get ready for bed. Mike had popped in a few times and had now moved on. He had friends of his own, a big family, work and school. And she was certainly busy with her own job and…

Well, she couldn’t say much about her social life, she conceded, looking down at the snoozing cat in her lap. But she did have friends of her own.

Exhausted from the demanding week, she slept later than usual Saturday morning. The telephone rang at 8:00 a.m., causing her to wake with a start and snatch the receiver from its cradle.

“Hello?” The word came out in a croak, making it impossible for her to deny that she had been sleeping.

“You aren’t up yet?” Sounding as crisp and alert as ever, Julia was obviously surprised.

“Long week in the lab,” Catherine explained after clearing her throat. “I guess I crashed.”

“I’m sorry I woke you. Would you like me to call back later?”