Page 11 of A Night To Remember

“No kidding? Then I hope he makes it. He’s a funny guy.”

The DJ’s rich, mellow voice came through the speakers when the song ended. “Someone just told me Nicky Holiday’s here. Happy New Year and welcome back, Nicky. No need to make a request—I know what you want to hear. This one’s just for you.”

Andrew wasn’t up on current musical hits, but this was one he recognized, since it was at least a decade old.

“‘Nineteen ninety-nine!’” Nicole exclaimed in delight, and turned to Andrew. “We have to dance to this one,” she told him. “It’s my all-time favorite dance number.”

“But I—”

But she had already taken his hand and was pulling him toward a dance floor that looked barely large enough to accommodate a third of the dub’s patrons.

There’d been a time, back in his college days, when Andrew had known how to party. When he could hold his own on a crowded dance floor, when no music had seemed too fast or too loud. It felt like another lifetime, he thought as he tried gamely to keep up with Nicole, who threw herself into the dance with an enthusiasm she hadn’t allowed herself at the country club.

“Go, Nicky!” someone shouted from nearby.

She was breathless and laughing when the song ended. She waved a thank-you at the DJ, who grinned back at her, then played another song, this one a slow number. Without waiting for an invitation, Nicole fell into Andrew’s arms. He obligingly began to move with the music.

“That was great,” Nicole said. “Haven’t heard that song in ages. Good of TAFKAP.”

Andrew wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly. “Tafkap?”

“The Artist Formerly Known As Prince.”


“This is a good song, too,” she went on. “Do you like music, Andrew?”

He was still just trying to keep up. “Yes, I like music.”

“What kind?”

“Jazz, mostly. Charlie Parker.”

“Jazz is okay. I usually prefer pop or country. Do you ever listen to country music?”

He didn’t quite shudder. “No.”

“Too bad. You’re missing some great lyrics. Like that Clay Walker number from last year—‘She could charm the stars and hypnotize the moon.’ Is that sweet or what?”

Andrew might have thought the words were rather corny—before he’d met Nicole. But, as mesmerized as he’d been since he’d first seen her, she certainly seemed to have hypnotized him!

“Do you like football?” she asked unexpectedly. “I love it. I’m a Tigers fan—my sister attends Memphis State.”

“Well, I—”

“I liked basketball better when I was in high school, but now football’s my favorite. College, mostly, rather than pro.”

“I see.”

“Professional sports are okay sometimes, but they seem so calculated and businesslike on the whole. I like the enthusiasm of the college players. Did you play any sports in college?”


“I’d bet you were a pitcher.”

“You’d win.”

A bit smugly, she nodded. “If you had played football, you’d have been the quarterback. Or the star forward in basketball.”