THOUGH IT WAS probably only seconds, it felt like several minutes passed before Joanna was able to compose herself. She wanted to ask Adam why he’d disappeared the day before, why he’d left terse instructions with his attorney, what the hell he wanted from her—if anything—but this was hardly the time or place for such a confrontation. Nor did she want to reveal how flustered she was to see him again.

Before she could decide what to say, she heard Simon shout, “Mr. Adam!”

A small bundle collided into Adam’s legs, making him stagger backward as he caught the boy to accept the enthusiastic hug. “Hey, Skipper. What’ve you been up to today?”

Simon beamed up at him, causing Joanna to press a hand to her stomach at the happiness on his face. “We’ve been having fun swimming and playing beach games. It rained this morning, but not for long, and I played air hockey with Aunt Maddie until everything dried off. I almost beat her this time. She says pretty soon I’ll be good enough to win every game.”

“No doubt.”

Maddie had reached Joanna now, and both of them stood there watching Adam interact with his son. Joanna hoped her own expression was less disapproving than her sister’s.

“Mom said you might not be here today, Mr. Adam.” Simon had stepped back some now, tilting his head curiously.

“Yes, well, I didn’t want you to leave without me seeing you again,” Adam replied lightly.

“Mom said you’re not a fan of goodbyes.”

Adam’s gaze clashed with Joanna’s before he said, “That’s true, but sometimes they’re inevitable, I guess.”

“I’m glad you’re here, Mr. Adam. I want to tell you all about the dolphin tour yesterday.”

“I’d like to hear all about it.”

Joanna glanced at her watch. “Simon, we have fifteen minutes to get the stable if you still want to take the horseback ride.”

Simon caught his breath. “Oh, yeah. We’re going to ride horses on the beach! I can’t ride by myself, but it will still be fun. Come with us, Mr. Adam. Please?”

“Actually, I have some things to attend to this afternoon. Maybe later we can meet for dinner?”

Simon’s face fell. And though he nodded in acceptance, his lower lip quivered. Whatever she might have found more comfortable for her own sake, Joanna couldn’t blame Adam for adding, “But maybe I could take a little time for a horse ride.”

The child’s smile returned, along with a delighted intake of air. “Are you sure? It’s okay if you can’t,” he said, “but we’d like it very much if you come, too. Wouldn’t we, Mom? Wouldn’t we, Aunt Maddie?”

No more immune than Adam to Simon’s pleading puppy-dog eyes, Joanna managed a smile. “Of course he’s welcome.”

Everyone looked to Maddie then. She made a face. “As much fun as that sounds, we only reserved two horses, remember? So maybe you three should go play cowboy while I treat myself to the spa for a couple hours.”

“But Aunt Maddie—”

“I wouldn’t worry about the reservation, Maddie,” Adam interjected. “There are usually extra horses. Besides, I know the owner.”

Maddie bent down to meet Simon’s eyes. “Seriously, Si-bot, would you mind if I hang here for a nice massage? I promise I’m still on for the after-dinner minigolf game. We’ll so beat your mom’s score. You know how bad she is.”

Simon laughed. “She really is.”

Normally Joanna would have had a clever retort to the good-natured insults, but with Adam standing there looking at her, all she could do was smile weakly and say, “Maybe I’ll surprise you both tonight.”

Straightening, Maddie turned to Joanna. “You don’t mind, do you, Jo?” she asked, her back to Adam and Simon as she added in a low voice, “I think it’s safer this way. I’m not really in a mood to make nice with Adam.”

Seeing that dark look in her sister’s eyes again, Joanna asked quietly, “You’re sure you’re okay, Maddie?”

Maddie stepped back with a toss of her head. “Nothing a massage won’t cure. See you later, guys. Have fun with the horses.”

Joanna noted that Maddie rather pointedly avoided looking at Adam when she turned to walk away. Thinking longingly that a massage and pedicure would be much less stressful than this horseback ride, Joanna vowed to focus on Simon’s fun and worry about everything else later.

* * *

ADAM ENDED UP being the one riding tandem with Simon. The good-natured horse plodded along the sand with the string of seven other horses in the group. Adam was pretty sure the horse yawned a few times along the well-known route. Yet from the excitement Simon got from the ride, they might as well have been on a wild steed. The boy didn’t exactly bounce in the saddle, which Adam told him wouldn’t have been very nice to ol’ Dez, but he chattered almost nonstop.