Adam swallowed. “Like I said, he seems to be doing pretty well without me. The kid’s a genius, Walt. Already reading, memorizing facts about oceanography. Knows about hydraulics and excavation and demolition, just from videos he watched.”

“He is advanced for his age,” Trevor conceded to Walt. “Carried on a conversation at dinner with the ease of a boy at least twice his age. I don’t know if he’s a genius, exactly, but he’s definitely bright.”

He turned to Adam then. “But regardless of how smart Simon is, he’d be lucky to have you in his life. You might not think so, Adam, but you’d be a great dad. Even if you only get to see the kid a few times a year, at least he’d know you’d be there for him.”

Though he reminded himself that Trevor was known for his fierce loyalty, Adam couldn’t help but be touched by the compliments that arrowed straight to his deepest insecurity. He wasn’t sure he agreed, but he appreciated the vote of confidence. “I’ll make certain Joanna knows they can always contact me if they need me. Beyond that, well, we’ll see.”

“I tend to agree with Trev,” Walt commented. “A boy deserves to know his father. Mine wasn’t exactly perfect, either, but he did the best he could, and I loved him for it. Keep this secret from Simon, and he will find out someday. Then he’s going to be mad at both of you for making a decision like that on his behalf.”

“I appreciate the advice, Walt.” Adam left it at that.

“Just let me know what you need in a legal capacity. We’ll get it all worked out.”

“Thanks. So, Trev—about that lousy call last night in the sixth...”

His friends went along with his not-so-subtle change of direction. Within a few minutes they had a spirited, good-natured sports debate underway. Adam had to force himself to participate fully, but he was satisfied he made a credible attempt. If nothing else, it gave him something to focus on other than how much kissing Joanna had shaken him.

Getting tangled up with her again, as tempting as it might be, would be even less likely to end well this time.

* * *

“THE BLACKBERRY COBBLER was really good, Mom,” Simon raved as Joanna tucked him in that night. “I think blackberry cobbler à la mode is my new favorite dessert.”

Sitting on the side of his bed, she laughed softly. “Last night you said chocolate lava cake à la mode was your new favorite dessert.”

He grinned. “Last night it was my favorite.”

“I think you mostly like the à la mode part.”

“Who doesn’t like ice cream?”

Nestling Norbert into the pillow beside him, Joanna nodded toward the nightstand, where an impressive ship in a bottle was displayed. The square plastic bottle had been cut and glued back together with a rope trim hiding the seam, and the ship was made of Popsicle sticks and construction paper stuck on a sea of blue glitter. Simon was quite proud of that day’s craft project. “That’s going to look good in your bedroom. We’ll have to wrap it carefully for the drive home.”

“I bet we make something that has to do with sea turtles when we go see the turtle beach tomorrow. We’ll have to pack one bag just with my shells and crafts, won’t we?”

She smiled. “Yes. Which is I why I brought an extra bag just in case.”

“Can we play minigolf in the morning, before Explorers Club?”

“Of course.” She smoothed his hair. “You’re having a good time here?”

“The best.”

She felt her smile waver a bit before she asked, “Would you be terribly disappointed if we had to go home a couple of days early?”

The way his eyes widened provided the answer. “But Mom—you said we could stay until Sunday. Tomorrow’s the turtle beach with Explorers Club. And the next day we’re going to learn all about tide pools. And Friday you’re going with me and the other kids and parents for the crab boil and the dolphin tour, remember? And I still haven’t found a starfish. Or a Scotch bonnet. And what about—?”

“Calm down, Simon. You won’t miss any of your plans, although I can’t guarantee you’ll find a Scotch bonnet,” she added, touching the end of his nose with one fingertip as she gave in. “It was just a suggestion. But since it means so much to you, we’ll stay for the full vacation. Okay?”

He nodded, gripping his stuffed dinosaur tightly against his chest with his lower lip still quivering. “You always keep your promises.”

“I always try very hard to keep them.” She leaned over to kiss his soft, sweet cheek, her heart so full it ached a little. “I love you, Padawan.”

Amused by the teasing reference to one of his favorite sci-fi film series—introduced to him by his aunt, Maddie, of course—he giggled sleepily. “Love you, too, Jedi Master.”

Feeling like the worst mother in the galaxy, she left the room, turning off the light behind her.

Though the windows were open and a breeze blew off the ocean, the room felt suddenly stuffy. Joanna stepped out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, staring out over the moonlit grounds. She shouldn’t have mentioned her fleeting thought of leaving early to Simon. It had been a cowardly impulse, fueled by kisses that shouldn’t have happened. But damn, they’d been good. Just as she’d remembered. Maybe even better.