Perhaps that was the moment that reality set in for her young son. His lower lip quivered. “It doesn’t feel like we’ve been here long enough,” he said, his voice tremulous.

“I know, baby. But it’s time. We’ll have a fun drive with Aunt Maddie. She knows lots of car games.”

Her eyes hidden behind a large pair of sunglasses, Maddie turned back to them. Had she been scanning the grounds, hoping to see someone in particular? If so, she kept her disappointment hidden when she spoke cheerfully to her nephew. “Oh, yeah, Si-bot. I know some songs that are going to drive your mom absolutely crazy.”

He didn’t laugh, but nodded glumly and gazed up at Adam with tear-silvered eyes. “You’ll call me?”

Adam ruffled his hair. “Your mom has my number and I have hers. You can call me whenever you want to talk to me, and unless I can’t talk just then, I’ll always answer.”

“Can I do a video call sometimes and show you things? Like my room and my toys and stuff? And my new room in Seattle?”

“I’ll look forward to that,” Adam said, and Joanna saw lines of strain around his mouth now. She ached for them both, but what else could they do? As Adam had said, he belonged here. For now, at least. She and Simon did not.

Simon held up his arms and Adam picked him up for a bear hug, burying his face in the boy’s neck. Joanna’s hands were shaking so hard she couldn’t have snapped a picture even had she tried. She thought she heard a snap from Maddie’s direction, so maybe the moment had been captured, after all. If so, she thought it might be a while before she’d be able to look at that particular photo. It was all she could do not to dissolve in tears now. She was making no guarantees for later, when she was alone.

Adam loaded the now-sniffling boy into the car, leaving Maddie to make sure he was safely strapped in. Then Adam turned to Joanna. The lines around his mouth were carved even more deeply now. His gray eyes were so dark they looked like charcoal.

“So,” he said, his voice as tight as his jaw, “we’ll talk.”

She nodded. “Of course. I’ll send you some of the pictures I took this week.”

“Sure. You’ve got a long trip ahead. Be careful, okay?”

“We will.” She had an impulse to hold out her hand for a shake, but that seemed absurd. She kept her arms at her sides, her fingers curled around her phone.

He looked equally conflicted for a moment, then shook his head and reached for her with a mutter. “One last time.”

Ignoring her sister and anyone else who might be watching, Adam kissed her. Hard. Thoroughly. Not angrily, but not gently, either. And she returned the kiss with a mix of equally volatile emotions.

He released her as abruptly as he’d embraced her. “’Bye, JoJo,” he said with a big step backward.

The most she could manage in return was a whisper. “Take care of yourself, Adam.”

“I always have,” he muttered.

He tapped lightly on the trunk of the car as he walked past it. And then he was gone.

“Want me to take the first shift driving, Jo?” Maddie offered, her voice compassionate.

“I think that’s a good idea.”

They moved to separate sides of the vehicle, paused with their hands on the handles for a last look around, then glanced at each other over the top of the car before simultaneously opening the doors and climbing inside. Neither looked back as they drove away.

* * *

FROM THE SHELTER of the trees at the side of the parking lot, Adam gripped his neck as he watched the car turn onto the highway and drive out of sight. This was why he hated goodbyes. They were too damned hard.

“So that’s it? You’re going to let them just drive away?”

He looked around to find Walt standing nearby, dressed in a casual pullover and jeans that made it clear he wasn’t working. Adam didn’t know why Walt was here, or why he hadn’t come forward to say goodbye. Was this merely Walt’s way of supporting Adam, or had he felt the need to watch Maddie drive away?

Whatever the reason, Adam’s response was cross. “Well, I could force them to stay, but that’s called kidnapping. It’s sort of against the law.”

“Funny. And I was being serious.”

“What the hell else am I supposed to do? Chase after them?”

“Is that what you want to do?”