Simon crawled out of the chair. His swallow was audible in the quiet office. “Mom’s going to be really mad at me.”

At you and me both, kid. But all Adam said was, “Yeah, probably. And you have to admit you deserve it, Skipper. You should have asked permission before coming here.”

“But I needed to talk to you. And I didn’t know if Mom would say yes.”

Turning off the office light, Adam ushered the boy into the hallway. “Do me a favor, okay? Promise me and promise your mom you won’t ever slip out again without letting an adult know where you’re going. It isn’t safe. And it’s wrong to worry your mom that way. She doesn’t deserve that.”

Simon gave a sigh. “I promise. It just felt easier to go by myself. I won’t do it again.”

Oh, crap. Hearing the matter-of-fact justification in Simon’s innocent voice somehow made it feel even worse. He really hoped the boy hadn’t inherited more than gray eyes and a cowlick from Adam. Or from Adam’s own restless, walk-away dad.

That was hardly the legacy Adam had wanted to leave his son.

* * *

“I STILL CAN’T imagine what on earth Simon was thinking to slip off like that,” Maddie said, running a hand through her hair in bewilderment. “He’s never done anything like this at home, even with Rose.”

“I’m hoping it’s a vacation aberration,” Joanna murmured, making herself stand still when she wanted very badly to pace the suite.

Why had Simon felt the need to sneak out and track down Adam? Was it only that he wanted to spend more time with his new friend? Had there been something in particular he wanted to tell or show Adam? She’d checked a few minutes ago and the treasured starfish was still safely in Simon’s room, so it hadn’t been that. Maybe he’d forgotten to tell Adam something earlier and had impulsively dashed off to rectify that omission. Or maybe he’d been worried that Adam would disappear again and had wanted to make sure he was still joining them for dinner.

Whatever the reason, she was going to have to make very sure this was the last time he pulled this stunt, which would require some sort of consequence.

“And he went straight to Adam,” Maddie said. “Are you sure he didn’t overhear you say something?”

“Pretty sure.” But Joanna rubbed her arms nervously anyway. She should have known by now never to put anything over on her son.

A tap on her door made her whirl in that direction. She rushed to open it.

Simon and Adam stood side by side, and the identically apprehensive looks on their so-similar faces made her heart leap into her throat. Simon scuffed his toe nervously on the hall carpet. She had the distinct feeling that Adam had to restrain himself from doing the same.

“You, young man, are in trouble,” she informed the smaller of the two, ignoring the larger for now.

She didn’t miss seeing Adam give Simon a nudge.

Simon wet his lips. “I’m very sorry I worried you, Mommy. I shouldn’t have left the suite without your permission and I promise I’ll never, ever do it again.”

He must have practiced that speech, probably with Adam’s assistance, all the way from the guest relations building.

Adam cleared his throat.

“Oh.” Simon looked meltingly up at her before quoting, “You’re the greatest mom in the world and you don’t deserve to be treated that way.”

Maddie gave a muffled snicker, then turned hastily away when Joanna shot her a look.

“I accept your apology and I’ll trust your word,” she said to her son after shooting another hard look at Adam. Obviously he’d coached Simon on what to say. But was there a coded message in there from him, as well? “But there will still be a penalty. Your screen time is cut in half for the next week. And you’re getting off very easily with that, considering how badly you scared me.”

Simon blinked as if in surprise that the punishment wasn’t more severe. It probably should have been, but limiting his already regulated time on the computer had been the first thing that had popped into her mind. With Adam standing there watching, it was a wonder she could think at all.

Adam prodded Simon again.

“Um, okay, Mom,” the boy said. “I won’t do it again.”

That settled, Adam turned to Joanna’s sister. “Maddie, would you mind very much if Simon and I talk with Joanna? In private?”

Maddie’s eyebrows shot up. She glanced quickly at Joanna. “Okay with you?”

Though her stomach was starting to cramp with worry again, Joanna smiled and nodded. “I’ll call you in a bit.”