Without standing, she leaned back and tilted her head at him, trying to figure out this change in his mood. “Why?” she asked.

He grimaced. “It’s complicated. I’m Adam’s friend. His attorney.”

“This has nothing to do with my sister or your friend,” she said flatly. “If you’re implying again that I have some ulterior motive for wanting to be with you, then you are very, very wrong.”

“I didn’t say that.” He had the grace to look embarrassed by the suggestion.

She nodded, keeping her tone even, her expression schooled as she drawled, “It’s personal, then. Should I be insulted?”



Walt released a gusty sigh. “Look, Maddie,

we just met. I guess what I’m saying is that I’m flattered, but I’m too old for one-night stands. Not that I’m suggesting—I mean, there’s nothing wrong with—Anyway.”

She was torn between irritation and amusement. She suspected it wasn’t like Walt to be so awkward and tongue-tied. She decided to be flattered rather than insulted. “I’m not really into one-night-stands myself these days, Sarge. I’m just not the type who needs a lot of time to know what I want. Or to skirt around the edges when I could be finding out for certain if there’s a chance it might be the real thing. If you’re not interested in that, say so and I’ll back off. No hard feelings. We can even be civil, though I won’t promise we’ll be pals.”

She had no desire to be platonic friends with appealing Walt Becker. As for her other desires—well, she thought she’d made those clear enough. Still, she supposed she could be patient with him taking a bit more time—as long as he acknowledged there could be something lasting between them.

“I didn’t say I wasn’t interested,” he muttered. “Just that I can’t see it going anywhere. I mean, you’re young and gorgeous and fun and, well...you. And I’m—”

She rose then, placing her fingers over his mouth before he made even more of a mess of this conversation. “You’re a strong, fascinating man with an intriguing history and layers I can’t wait to explore. I happen to prefer a man who is seasoned and mature. And before you tick me off by implying I’m so flighty and irresponsible that you can’t trust me not to toy with you and then take off in pursuit of some slick plastic surgeon, I think you should go now.”

“I didn’t—”

She rose on her tiptoes, clutching his shirt. “Just so you’ll know what you’re missing...” she murmured, and then kissed him until she fancied smoke came out of his ears. She could almost feel it escaping her own when she finally drew back, making no effort to mask her arousal. “Good night, Walt.”

He blinked dazedly. “Uh—”

Still smiling, she opened the door and all but pushed him out of it. “Sweet dreams, Sarge.”

She heard his curse through the door when she closed it between them, which made her laugh again. And then groan when she conceded that he wasn’t the only one left with an aching awareness of how the night could have ended.

* * *

THE PAINFUL EMOTIONS Joanna had been suppressing broke through the surface with a vengeance in the middle of that night.

She was awakened from a restless sleep by a call from her son from the other room. Blearily noting the time was just after 2:00 a.m., she stumbled into his doorway. “What’s wrong, sweetie? Did you have a bad dream?”

“I’m sorry, Mom, but I’m really thirsty. Can I have some water?”

“Of course. Just a second.” Clearing her head, she filled a glass for him and returned to sit on the side of his bed. Illuminated by the soft glow of a night-light, he drank with noisy gulps while she watched with an indulgent smile. He really had been thirsty.

“Thank you, Mommy,” he said, handing her the glass while he wiped his mouth with the back of one hand.

Her throat tightened for a moment. He rarely called her Mommy these days, having decided a few months earlier that “Mom” sounded much more grown up. She tried to savor each of these precious, fleeting moments while they lasted. “You’re welcome.”

He decided he should probably go to the bathroom while he was awake, and she promised to wait to tuck him back in. She smoothed his sheets while he was gone, having the bed ready by the time she heard a flush followed by running water. Simon’s hands were still damp when he hugged her as she nestled him back into the big bed, but she didn’t mind the cold feel of them on her neck. She kissed his cheek and pulled the sheet to his chin. “All set?”

“Mmm-hmm.” He sounded sleepy, but she knew from experience that it would take him a few moments to settle down. “Tomorrow’s our last all-day here, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” She kept her voice soft as she stroked his hair. “We’ll make the most of it. We’ll swim and play on the beach and look for more shells, and you can have a shrimp basket for lunch.”

“That sounds like fun.” His eyes were already half-closed. “Can I show Mr. Adam my starfish?”

A pang ripped through her, and she had to swallow before she could speak. “I don’t know if we’ll see Mr. Adam tomorrow, Simon. It’s the weekend, you know. I’m not sure he works on weekends. But Aunt Maddie will be here with us all day, and she’s going to want you to show her everything she hasn’t seen yet. Maybe you’d like to play minigolf with her? Or paddle boats on the lake?”