“It’s...nerve-wracking,” Joanna answered. “But it’s okay, I guess.”

Hearing some odd beeping noises in the background, Maddie asked, “What’s going on? What are those sounds?”

“Simon wanted to come into the arcade after breakfast. I figured you’d be impatient for a report, so I’m taking the opportunity to talk while he’s engrossed in a pinball machine.”

“Pinball, huh? That kid’s probably already figured out the geometric trajectories of the balls to get the best scores,” Maddie said with an indulgent laugh.

Joanna’s answering chuckle sounded strained. “He’s working on it.”

Maddie really did adore her funny nephew. The way her own love life had fizzled lately with one disappointing date after another, Simon could be the closest she would ever come to having a kid, something she hadn’t realized she wanted before spending so much time with Joanna and Simon. She just didn’t want to make babies with any of the guys she’d been out with lately.

“So? Have you talked to Adam again?” She’d waited as long as she could to ask.

“We had dinner last night,” Joanna said, then added quickly, “Not alone. We ate with Simon and Trevor Farrell, the owner of the resort. So we didn’t talk about anything important, just small talk.”

Even mentioning the man’s name added another layer of tension to Joanna’s voice, something Maddie noted with a deepening frown. “So how’s Adam acting? Is it weird with the two of you? Is he trying to get to know Simon? He totally believes Simon is his kid, right?”

“Yes, it’s weird. And yes, he believes me. Or he says he does. He seems sort of fascinated by Simon. Maybe even intimidated by him. Like he’s not quite sure how to behave.”

Maddie supposed that all made sense. Had to have been a shock for the guy to find out suddenly that he had a kindergarten-age son. She cleared her throat before asking the next question. “I don’t suppose you’ve told Mom and Dad that Adam is—”

“No!” Joanna interrupted quickly. “And don’t you dare say anything until I’ve had a chance to talk to them.”

“You know I won’t. Trust me, I want nothing to do with that conversation.”

Henry and Gail Zielinski still hadn’t recovered from the shock of having their most responsible and previously compliant daughter return from vacation pregnant and unmarried. They’d wrung their hands and asked—within Maddie’s hearing, of course—what they’d done wrong to be the parents of not just one but two rebellious daughters.

Maddie shook her head at the memory of that conversation. To give them credit, their p

arents had supported Joanna’s decision to raise the child, and they’d welcomed Simon with as much warmth as their reserved personalities allowed. Still, Joanna had seemed to feel even more pressure to excel in her career and lead an exemplary life to make up for her “lapse in judgment.”

Joanna had never quite mastered Maddie’s ability to shrug off their parents’ disapproval and live the way she wanted, though Jo said she was working on that. The cross-country move ahead should help. Still, Maddie hated thinking about how much she would miss her sister and nephew.

She brought the conversation back to the present. “When are you going to talk to Adam again?”

She could almost hear her sister’s swallow. “This afternoon, I think. While Simon’s on an outing with Explorers Club.”

“What are you going to say?”

“I don’t have the foggiest.”

It wasn’t like Joanna to sound so lost. She was always so efficient and prepared. Maddie felt her own hackles rising in perhaps unjustified annoyance with the man who’d caused this distress. “And if he wants to be a part of Simon’s life in the future?”

“I’ll deal with it. Somehow. I have to go, Maddie. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“You’d better.”

After disconnecting, Maddie set down her phone. Then turned to her computer to find the first available flight to South Carolina.

* * *

JOANNA MADE IT to midafternoon before she saw Adam. While she’d appreciated having the time to prepare, she’d grown more tense as the minutes ticked past, probably because she knew it was coming and didn’t know exactly when.

Maddie had often accused her—sometimes teasingly, others more irritably—of being a control freak, and Joanna supposed that was fair. She liked her schedules, her routines, her notes and outlines and calendars. True spontaneity was a rare indulgence, especially during the past six years, when she’d lived every day with the consequences of letting her hair down once. She wouldn’t trade a moment of the challenges for the joy she’d found in her son, but for Simon’s sake, she’d been careful not to take any more risks. Sexy, enigmatic Adam Scott was an emotional hazard if she’d ever seen one.

The hour she’d just spent in the spa should have left her relaxed and loose. Though she’d enjoyed the pampering and had appreciated having some of the tension eased by the skilled masseuse, she was still on edge. The reason for her discomfort fell into step beside her only a short distance from the spa.

“Having a nice day?” Adam asked in a casual tone he might have used with any guest.