Adam glanced at Joanna, and for a moment she thought she detected a hint of emotion in his eyes. Wistfulness, perhaps? Regret that there were so many things he didn’t know about his son? Or was she projecting how she might feel in his position?

Before she could decide, he schooled his expression and spoke evenly. “So, Trevor and I are having dinner at Torchlight tonight. He wanted me to invite you and Simon to join us.”

Her first reaction was to be alarmed by the seemingly innocuous invitation. She wasn’t ready for a “family” meal with Adam and Simon. Not nearly ready. She looked quickly at Simon, all too aware that he was listening even though he hadn’t paused in his play. How could she refuse without arousing his curiosity about why?

“Trevor makes a practice of dining with guests most evenings,” Adam added smoothly. “We ate with Cody and his family yesterday.”

It seemed to be an attempt to reassure her there was no need to worry about Simon learning anything she wasn’t ready to tell him. Still, the whole situation seemed fraught with potential complications. “I don’t—”

“Can we, Mom?” Simon piped up, proving he was paying attention. “I want to tell them about the aquarium.”

Feeling cornered, she moistened her lips, tasting the hint of ocean salt in the air. Simon would probably enjoy being the center of attention at dinner, as she had no doubt he would be. Other than her father, who believed that children should generally sit quietly unless spoken to, Simon didn’t spend a lot of time with men. She’d always been very careful not to let him get too close to the few men she’d dated to protect him when the relationships ended—as they always had after a fairly short time. She simply hadn’t met anyone who’d felt like a good fit. And now that Adam was here, she found herself instinctively wanting to protect her son again. Not to mention her own heart, which she feared was unexpectedly vulnerable.


Trapped, she somehow managed a smile. “Thank you, Adam. Tell Mr. Farrell we’d be happy to join you. What time?”

“Does seven work for you?”

It was a little later than Simon usually had his dinner, but he’d had a snack before they’d come out to the beach, so she figured he’d last until then. And it would give her time to get them both cleaned up. “Yes, seven is fine.”

He lingered a few moments longer, watching Simon play, and then he met Joanna’s eyes again. “See you later, JoJo.”

The offhand nickname shook her to the core, making her bare toes curl into the sand. She flashed to the memory of his voice in a darkened bedroom, husky in her ear as he’d laughed softly and murmured, “Just let yourself go, JoJo. You know you want to.”

She had let herself go with him, in a way she’d never done before or since with anyone else. Just remembering their lovemaking made her weak in the knees.

Adam was studying her too closely. His stormy gray eyes darkened and narrowed, as though he could somehow see the steamy images in her mind. They stood staring at each for what seemed like minutes, though it was probably only a moment or two. They were jarred into motion when Simon made a sudden explosion sound, sweeping a hand to crash down one wall of his castle.

Adam didn’t jump, but he sounded a bit startled when he asked, “What was that?”

Simon grinned up them from amidst the scattered remains of his construction. “Earthquake.”

Chuckling, Adam took a step back. “I’ll get out of the danger zone, then. I have a few more things to do this afternoon, so I’ll see the two of you at dinner.”

With one last glance, he turned and strode away. She couldn’t resist watching him. She’d almost forgotten his distinctive walk, a rolling, ground-eating gait that was as efficient as it was sexy. Pulling her attention away from the all-too-intriguing sight of his backside, she shook her head and began to gather her belongings, telling Simon to put his toys in the carry bag. They had to get ready for dinner. This was no time to dwell on how attractive Adam Scott still was to her.

* * *

ADAM AND TREVOR were waiting when Joanna led Simon into Torchlight just before seven. The resort included two dining options that were more casual than this upscale restaurant, so this was a special treat for her son. As they entered the restaurant, she reminded Simon to use his best manners and his indoor voice—something he sometimes forgot when excited.

Both men rose when she and Simon were escorted to their table. Joanna didn’t quite meet Adam’s eyes as she greeted them. After being seated, she was given a menu, but neither Adam nor Trevor requested one. Hardly a surprise. She was sure they had the menu memorized. She was offered a children’s menu, which she handed over to Simon, to the apparent surprise of both Trevor and Adam.

“You can read the menu, Simon?” Adam asked.

Studying the menu gravely, Simon nodded. “Most of it. What’s gira—giran—”

Joanna looked over his shoulder to read the word he pointed to. “Girandole. It’s a type of pasta, shaped like little spirals. It says it’s topped with a light creamy sauce with peas and chicken or shrimp. This is a very nice children’s menu,” she added to Trevor after glancing at some of the other choices.

He smiled, looking pleased by the compliment. “Our chef has four kids. He says it drives him crazy to take them out to eat and have them offered only burgers or chicken nuggets or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Kids can have all of that here, of course, but we make sure there are always other options for our more adventurous young diners.”

“I can recommend the girandole,” Adam said with a nod to Simon. “That cream sauce will make you want to lick your plate—though I doubt your mom would approve.”

“You doubt correctly.”

Simon giggled. Adam smiled at Joanna. His gray eyes gleamed like polished steel in the flickering candlelight. She swallowed hard and dragged her gaze away.

“I want the girandole,” Simon announced, mangling the pronunciation only slightly. “With shrimp.”