Page 49 of A Home for the M.D.

going to miss him badly if—when—this all ended. The physical part of their relationship was amazing. Addictive. Like nothing she had ever experienced before. But even more, she savored the interludes afterward when they lay snuggled together in her bed, talking about their days or whatever else popped into their heads.

He made her laugh with stories from his childhood, and she found herself telling him little anecdotes from her own, something she never did with other people. They talked about his adventures—and misadventures—with his sisters, and she told him some of the scrapes she and Olivia had gotten into. It didn’t hurt so much to talk about Olivia with Mitch, she discovered. Maybe because he knew how her sister had died and didn’t seem to judge her for it. Maybe because finally breaking her silence about Olivia with both Mitch and Alice made each mention of her a little easier.

Or maybe it was just that Mitch was incredibly easy to talk to.

They didn’t talk much about the future. She supposed he was doing something about finding a permanent place to live, but he didn’t discuss it. Mostly, when they looked ahead, it was not beyond Mitch’s rapidly approaching trip to Peru. He was so excited about that trek. She hoped it would be as much fun as he thought it would be. He would be so disappointed if it wasn’t.

She was going to miss him while he was away. But then, who knew if they’d still be together by the time he left anyway, she reminded herself. She wasn’t making any plans. She was simply going to enjoy it while it lasted. And when it ended—well, she had a lot of experience with moving on. She could still be friendly enough with Mitch on the rare occasions they would see each other through his family. And no one else would ever have to know about their temporary insanity.

The end came even sooner than she had predicted.

They had been lovers for just more than a week when Mitch reluctantly dressed to leave her apartment Monday night. It wasn’t all that late, but he had an early surgery the next morning. He thought it best that he go back to the hotel for a few hours of sleep first. He lingered for quite a while at the door as one good-night kiss led to another—and then another.

Finally she drew herself out of his arms and stepped back, warding him off when he laughingly reached for her again. “Go,” she ordered. “Get some sleep.”

“I’m going.” He heaved a sigh. “It gets harder to leave.”

“You’re just tired of that hotel.”

“That, too.” He opened the door, then paused in the doorway as if a thought had just occurred to him. “Jacqui—Madison’s birthday is next weekend.”

Lifting an eyebrow, she nodded. “I know. Meagan and Alice mentioned that they’re going shopping tomorrow evening to find her a gift.”

“We’re having a get-together at Mom’s Saturday night. Casual. Just family.”

She felt the muscles in her chest tighten as he spoke, making it more difficult to breathe. “Mitch—”

“Go with me, Jacqui. Everyone would love to have you there.”

As a matter of fact, LaDonna had already invited her. Jacqui hadn’t yet given an answer. She had wanted first to confirm with Mitch that they could both attend the party without giving anyone a hint of their true relationship. Now she wasn’t so sure.

“You’re, um, asking me to be there—just as a guest of the family?”

“As my guest,” he corrected. “I’d like us to go together.”

Twisting her hands in the tie of her short terry robe, she shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Everyone would start wondering what’s going on. You know Madison, especially, would be asking questions. Right now everyone thinks we’re just friends, but if we start attending parties together, they’re going to get different ideas.”

“The right idea, you mean.”

“We’re not ready for that to come out yet.” If ever.

“You’re not ready. Frankly, I don’t see the need for all the secrecy. I mean, sure, it was nice to have this past week all to ourselves without any outside scrutiny, but it’s inevitable that people are going to find out. What better time to make the announcement than when everyone’s already gathered together?”

It must have been panic that made her blurt tactlessly, “Make what announcement? That you’re sleeping with your sister’s housekeeper?”

As soon as she said them, she wished she could call the words back. Not because they weren’t what she was thinking, but because they led to a line of discussion she wasn’t sure she was ready to get into tonight.

Mitch closed the door deliberately. Planting his hands on his hips, he frowned at her. “Considering that you are a very intelligent woman, that was a really dumb thing to say.”

She flushed a little but lifted her chin and stood her ground. “Maybe. But still true. Why does everyone need to know our private business?”

“Because I don’t want to get in a position of lying to my family. Or sneaking around behind their back with you. Look, I know it’s still very early in our relationship…”

“We don’t have a relationship, Mitch. We’re just having a little fun for now while you’re at loose ends with your future plans, and there’s nothing at all wrong with that, but there’s no need for everyone to know about it. I don’t want anything to change between me and the rest of your family, once you and I— You know.”

“After we stop sleeping together?” he asked a bit too politely.

She shrugged.