Page 17 of A Home for the M.D.

The stabbing pain in her chest was familiar but still agonizing. It seemed as though she’d thought of Olivia more than usual during the past few days. Partially, she supposed, because the anniversary of her sister’s death was approaching—less than a month away now. And partially because the more Alice matured, the more she sometimes reminded Jacqui of Olivia—bright and inquisitive and imaginative, sweet-natured but with a stubborn streak that cropped up unexpectedly. Alice was only a few months younger than Olivia had been when she’d died.

There was no way that Alice would be riding in cars with teenage drivers on Jacqui’s watch.

Determinedly, she buried the past deep in the back of her mind, though it had a nasty habit of clawing its way to the front when she was least prepared to handle it. Needing a change of subject, she turned the questioning to Mitch. “Have you given any more thought about a new place to live?”

He gave her a lopsided smile as he closed the dishwasher, his hand brushing hers with the movement. “Trying to get rid of me already?”

Something about his tone—or maybe that smile—made his teasing sound suspiciously like flirting. Probably it was just a habit of his—certainly nothing to take seriously.

When she didn’t take him up on his verbal bait, he replied more seriously. “I talked to a few people today about some recommendations for Realtors and rental agents. And Mom gave me the name of a woman she knows who works part-time in real estate sales. I’ll probably make a few calls tomorrow.”

There was a distinct lack of enthusiasm in his voice. If he was thinking about looking for another rental, she didn’t blame him for being less than excited about the search. She never liked doing that, either. It would be different when she started looking for a little place to buy, she promised herself. That lifelong ambition was going to be a joy to fulfill.

“Still looking for a place where you don’t have to sign a lease?” she asked casually, her gaze on the counter she was wiping with a sponge.

Because she wasn’t looking at him, she didn’t see him shrug, but she heard the shift of fabric as his shoulder lifted in the negligent gesture. “Maybe. Or at least a place with a lenient lease-breaking policy.”

She wrung out the towel and draped it over the sink to dry.

“My mom thinks I should buy a house,” Mitch said with a chuckle. “She even suggested a couple of neighborhoods she thought suitable for me.”

“I’m sure she’s just trying to be helpful.”

“Of course she is. Her first choice would be for me to buy Seth’s house, which is still on the market. She pointed out how cozy it would be if I lived right across the street from my sister and brother-in-law.”

“A little too cozy, maybe?”

He smiled. “Maybe. But I told her I’d think about it.”

Outside in the backyard, Waldo barked. Jacqui glanced at the clock. “Alice usually goes out to play with him and give him a treat after dinner. He’s probably wondering where she is.”

“Does she usually talk this long with her mom?”

“No, not usually.”

“Think she’s still pouting?”


Waldo barked again, the sound ending with a hint of a whine. Jacqui frowned. Alice was usually so attentive to her adored pet. She wouldn’t punish Waldo because she was irked with the housekeeper; maybe Alice didn’t realize how late it was getting.

She turned away from the sink. “I’ll go check on her.”

Saying he wanted to watch the news, Mitch headed for the den as Jacqui climbed the stairs toward Alice’s room. Alice’s door stood slightly ajar, and Jacqui could hear the teen laughing and giggling from the top of the stairs. It was not the voice she used with her mother, but rather the sillier, slangier tone that signified she was talking with one of her friends.

“He’s so hot. And I think he likes me,” she confided breathlessly to the person on the other side of the call. She giggled in response to whatever her friend said. “Yeah, he said he—”

Jacqui cleared her throat noisily.

“Uh, gotta go, Tiff. I’ll call you later, okay?”

By the time Jacqui tapped lightly on the open door and stepped into the room, Alice had already disconnected the call.

“Everything okay?” Jacqui asked casually. “Waldo is looking for his evening treat.”

Alice tossed back her curly hair and slid her phone in her pocket. “Okay, I’m on my way down. I was going to play with him for a while anyway before bed.”

“He’ll like that. Um, Alice?”