Emily hadn’t meant to pry. She’d almost forgotten that children tended to answer offhand comments with more information than was absolutely necessary. Still, she felt badly that Cecilia wasn’t happy in Honoria. The woman was probably lonely, feeling like a stranger in a strange town. Emily would have to ask Wade if he thought it would be a good idea to introduce her to some of the locals.

Of course, she wouldn’t be here much longer, herself. Soon it would be Emily who would be the stranger in a strange town.

Would she be as homesick as Cecilia?

She shook that troublesome thought away. How many times must she remind herself that this move had been her own decision, one she’d made only after careful consideration? And one she would not regret, she told herself firmly.

“When do you think my daddy will be here?” Clay asked.

Emily put her own worries out of her mind. “I don’t know. But I’m sure you and I can find something to keep us busy until he gets here.”

“Can I go play on your tire swing?”

“Of course. As soon as you finish your breakfast.”

The boy turned his attention quickly back to his meal.

IT WAS NEARLY THREE in the afternoon when Wade called. “I’m going to be late,” he warned after making sure his son was safe and happy. “Very late, I’m afraid.”

“It’s not going well?” she asked, hearing the strain in his voice.

“No.” His tone was grim. “Not at all well. I’m really sorry, Emily. If you have plans for the evening, I’ll try to make other arrangements for Clay.”

“I have no plans,” she assured him. “Clay and I are having a wonderful time. He’s just discovered my art supplies.”

“The kid loves to cut and draw and color. You probably won’t see him again for hours.”

“I’ve found that to be true of most of the children who visit me. They all seem to love a big stack of blank paper and a handful of markers.”

“Clay certainly does. You’re absolutely sure you don’t mind keeping him the rest of the day?”

“Not at all. He’s an angel.”

Wade’s laugh sounded a bit more relaxed. “Well, not always. He has his moments.”

“What time do you think you’ll be back?”

“The way it looks now, it’s going to be close to ten o’clock. You’ll probably want to put Clay to bed, and I’ll just carry him to the car when I get there.”

“He’s welcome to spend another night if you want to wait and come back tomorrow.”

“Thanks, but I’m ready to get home, myself. I’ve got a lot of work waiting for me.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later this evening.”

“Right. If you’ll put Clay on the phone, I’ll explain the situation to him.”

“Of course. Clay?”

The boy came running in response to her call. Emily handed him the phone, then stepped aside to give him a semblance of privacy.

She watched as he listened intently to whatever Wade was saying. She wondered how Clay would react to hearing that he would be with her for the rest of the day. She was relieved when he said offhandedly, “Okay, Daddy, you don’t have to hurry. I’m having fun here.”

Absurdly, Emily felt as though she’d just been given a prize. And all because Wade’s son was happy being with her. Oh, she was definitely headed for trouble if she wasn’t careful!

“’Bye, Daddy. Love you more,” Clay said in a rush, and then giggled at whatever Wade answered. And then he turned to hand the phone back to Emily. “He said he wants to talk to you again. May I go draw again now?”

“Of course.” Emily took the phone as Clay dashed away. “Wade?”