“Yes. I had nothing else to do and it was such a nice day.”

“You went up on that ladder?”

“Well, most of the way up. The telescoping squeegee thing helped me reach the really high parts.”

He scowled, unable to block a mental image of her falling off the ladder and then lying hurt and alone for who knew how long. “That was awfully risky. What if you’d fallen?”

She shrugged. “I’d have sent Buddy for help, I guess. He’s got Lassie’s colors—maybe there’s some collie mixed into his lineage.”

Though he was still too unsettled by the thought to find much humor in her quip, he tried to smile anyway as he took a seat in the rocker beside hers. He doubted that she would appreciate him telling her that she shouldn’t have been climbing ladders on her own, even though he still didn’t think she should have taken the risk.

“I think it’s safe to say there are several different breeds involved here,” he said as Buddy walked over to greet him. He ruffled the dog’s ears, appreciating the softness of the newly washed hair. “You sure look better, Buddy. Smell a lot better, too.”

The dog made a low sound as if in agreement, then moved back to sit at Natalie’s feet.

“Well, we know where his loyalties lie.”

She shook her head in bemusement. “I don’t know why. You’re the one who started feeding him and talking to him.”

“He has very discerning tastes.”

“Yes, of course,” she agreed drily. “I wasn’t expecting you to drop by. I thought you said you were going to call.”

“I was. But I wanted to see you.”

She studied his face in the dim, artificial light. “Any particular reason?”

“Maybe I’m like Buddy,” he replied lightly. “Drawn to you despite myself.”

“I—um—how was your outing with Molly and Olivia?”

He laughed at her awkward transition, but went along for the moment to give her a chance to process what he’d said. “Actually it was Molly, Olivia and Riley.”


“Olivia’s ‘bestest friend’ from preschool. Riley’s a blue- eyed blond with a melting smile and an endless supply of energy. Combined with our own little redheaded dynamo, the activity level was very high today.”

“Sounds like you and Molly had your hands full.”

“Absolutely. The kids wanted to ride every ride in the kiddie part of the park at least twice, and begged to go on some of the rides for adults, even though they were too small to be admitted. They were absolutely fearless.”

“Did you enjoy the day?”

“It was pleasant,” he conceded. “I had fun watching the kids play. I’d like to go back with an adult sometime and see some of the music shows and craft demonstrations. The kids weren’t particularly interested in that part of the park.”

“I wouldn’t really expect them to be at their age.”

“No. By the way,” he said, reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket, “I brought you something.”

“You did?”

He nodded and tossed a small cellophane packet into her lap. “Taffy,” he said. “They make it at the park. It’s really good.”

She smiled. “I love taffy. Thank you.”

“I wanted to bring you a cotton candy cone, but it wouldn’t fit in my pocket.”

Smiling, she set the candy on the table between them. “Have you eaten?”