Molly wasn’t quite finished. “I think everyone else is so busy focusing on those big things, naturally enough, that they missed the real incident that left you questioning yourself and the path you’ve been on.”

He studied her with narrowed eyes. “What do you mean?” he asked, though he was afraid he already knew.

Her face soft with sympathy, Molly laid a hand on his knee. “It wasn’t your fault, Casey. You didn’t put Ian Duvall in that car that night.”

His throat tightened, making him speak in a growl. “I might as well have.”

Her fingers tightened. “No. You did your job. You got him acquitted on those earlier charges.”

Casey swallowed. “I knew he was guilty.”

“You did your job,” she repeated firmly. “It wasn’t your place to decide guilt or innocence. It was the jury’s. And they decided to acquit him.”

“Because I did my job so damned well.”

“Exactly. The fact that he chose—he chose, Casey—to drive drunk less than a year later had nothing to do with you.”

Giving his knee one last pat, she sat back. “You needed this vacation. Needed a chance to think, away from the craziness back home. I don’t think that’s so strange. And heaven knows we needed your help right now. So don’t let everyone else make you question yourself, okay? Do what you have to do.”

Molly knew all about following her own path. To the consternation of almost the entire Walker clan, she’d left her family ranch, the teaching position she’d held there and everything she’d known back in Dallas to move to Gatlinburg with Kyle. Though she would always be close to her family, Casey didn’t think she’d had one day of regret about leaving behind the life she’d always expected to have among them in Texas.

Maybe that was part of what had drawn him to Molly when he’d made his great escape. She had made a huge change that had left everyone else bewildered and worried, and it had worked out for her. He wasn’t saying that he wanted to make a huge change, really—he wasn’t sure yet just what he wanted—but it was nice to see that it could be done, and successfully, by someone from the same family boat in which he’d been floating so safely for the past twenty-six years.

Do what you have to do. Sounded simple enough. Now all he had to do was figure out what that was.

Natalie was on the phone with Amber when she heard Casey’s truck in the drive the next morning. Her pulse rate jumped involuntarily, but she made an effort to concentrate on the call.“So Cathy’s sporting some new clothes,” she said as a way of reminding herself what they’d been talking about.

“A whole new wardrobe,” Amber emphasized. “Not just a few new sweaters or anything. And from what I can tell, she’s scored some expensive designer stuff.”

“And she hasn’t said where all this money is coming from?”

“No. She just giggles whenever anyone asks and sort of coyly says she’s found a new source of income. She won’t say anything more about it. Which makes me wonder if her new source of income is selling client information to the tabloids.”

“What bothers me is that she’s so open about the spending,” Natalie fretted. “Is she really foolish enough to brag in the firm if she’s making the money by exploiting her job?”

“Have you met Cathy?” Amber asked drily. “She’s stupid enough to think no one would even notice.”

“Has anyone noticed? Anyone in the upper tiers of the firm, I mean, not the other clerical staff.”

“I don’t know. If they have, nothing’s been done. I mean, she’s still here.”

Natalie sighed in frustration. “And I suppose there have been no more information leaks since I left.”

“None,” Amber said, sounding almost apologetic. “The leaks stopped the day you left.”

“Which only makes me look more guilty.”

“I, um…”

“Never mind.” There really was nothing Amber could say to make this situation any better. “I know you need to get to work. Thanks for calling.”

“I just wanted to check on you. You’re sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine.” She was already hearing noises from outside that indicated Casey had started working. “Really.”

“I hope you took my advice the last time we talked. Have you done something fun while you’re there?”

“I went hiking yesterday, actually. I had a very nice time.”