Chapter Four

C asey entered the kitchen a short time later sniffing the air. “Something smells really good.”

Her hands protected by oven mitts, she set the pan of broiled fish on a trivet. “I hope you like fish tacos.”“Love ’em.”

They sat at the kitchen table with their meals, and Natalie searched her mind for conversational topics that didn’t stray too far into personal territory. They talked more about the renovations to the cabin, and a few more things that needed to be done inside before it was rented out again. They chatted about the A-frame in which Casey had been staying, and how Kyle and Mack had decided to install a pool table in the loft now being used as a cozy sitting room with a spectacular view.

Casey admitted he hadn’t taken advantage of the many local tourist attractions during his stay. He added that Molly wanted him to accompany her and Olivia to the Dollywood theme park the following week, leaving the baby with Jewel. Kyle wasn’t enthusiastic about amusement parks, but Molly had promised Olivia she would take her soon.

“I haven’t been to the park in years,” Natalie said, “but I always had a good time there. I’m sure you’ll have fun with Molly and Olivia.”

Casey took another bite of his almost completely eaten taco. Washing it down with a sip of the peach tea she had prepared, he complimented her again on the simple meal. That led to a casual discussion of their favorite foods and specialty restaurants.

“There’s a place back home in Dallas that makes the best barbecue pizza anywhere,” Casey enthused. “Topped with pulled pork, barbecue sauce, onions, jalapeños and three different kinds of cheese. The best.”

“Sounds messy.”

“Totally. And a lot of people follow it up with an antacid chaser. But it’s still good.”

“I’ve only been to Texas a few times,” she said. “And then only to Dallas and Houston for business purposes. I haven’t seen much of the state except for the insides of some very nice conference hotels.”

“Oh, there’s lots to see in Texas,” he assured her. “From the coast to the plains, it’s a pretty diverse state. I’ve spent most of my life in the Dallas area.”

“I always seem to be there midsummer. It was always hot.”

He shrugged. “You get used to it.”

“Will you be going back soon?”

She hadn’t meant to ask any questions for fear of giving him an opening to ask a few in return. That one had just slipped out.

Casey didn’t seem to find the offhand inquiry particularly significant. “Yeah. I guess. I mean, well, most of my family’s there. I just came here to visit Molly and Kyle, and then I volunteered to help out a little with the repairs. I’ll probably head back to Texas in another week or so.”

She couldn’t help noticing that he looked as if he were discussing an upcoming dental procedure. What was so bad at home that he would rather hole up here, cleaning gutters and scrubbing a deck on a pleasant Saturday?

He gave a slight shake of his head, as if clearing his mind of unpleasant thoughts. “What about you? When are you going back to Nashville?”

“I don’t know yet,” she said, looking down at her plate. “I’m…between jobs at the moment, and I’m taking the time to make some career decisions.”

She stood abruptly before he could respond. “Aunt Jewel made me one of her famous key lime pies. I haven’t even had a chance to cut into it yet. Would you like a slice for dessert?”

“Sure. I love key lime pie.”

“I’ll make some decaf coffee to go with it.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“No, thanks. It’ll just take a few minutes. Feel free to move into the living room, if you’d be more comfortable. The TV remote is on the coffee table if you want to watch the news or something while I make the coffee.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll check the weather forecasts. I’m hoping they aren’t predicting rain tomorrow. I’d like to get the sealant applied to the deck in the morning.”

“Sure, go ahead. I’ll bring the pie and coffee into the living room when it’s ready.”

She heard a weatherman’s booming voice from the other room before she even had the kettle filled with water. Setting the kettle on a burner, she scooped coffee beans into the small grinder she’d brought with her from home.

It had been surprisingly easy to be with Casey tonight, she mused as she transferred the coarsely ground coffee into a French press and set a kitchen timer for four minutes. He hadn’t done anything to make her feel uncomfortable, hadn’t asked any questions except a follow-up to the one she’d asked. He’d been pleasant, entertaining, a little flirtatious. And her bruised feminine ego had responded eagerly.

She needed this right now, she told herself. Needed to spend some time with someone who wasn’t looking at her suspiciously, who could make her forget about all the problems back home and just have a little fun for a change.