It seemed to him as good a time as any to make their relationship clear—to the others, and maybe to Annie, herself. “And if I’d like to stay the whole night?” he asked her, keeping his tone mildly amused.

She didn’t even hesitate. “You’d be welcome to do that, too,” she said quietly. “After all, it wouldn’t be the first time.”

A surge of satisfaction filled him, and he smiled at her. Annie had proven that she could take care of herself, he mused. But it seemed she had found a place for him in her life, after all. Right beside her.

Her self-proclaimed fiancé began to look suddenly less confident. He studied Trent’s faded jeans and worn work shirt with a slight sneer. “Is this another part of your temper tantrum, Annie? An affair with this guy? This—this—”

“Carpenter,” Trent supplied affably. Proudly. “Slightly battered, but still functional.”

Annie’s smile deepened in response to his laconic self-description. She seemed to approve.

“Oh, Annie, don’t do this,” her mother wailed, wringing her hands. “This isn’t the life you were raised for. We have so much more to offer than you can find here.” The distressed look she gave Trent included him in the less-than-desirable offerings of Honoria.

Trent responded before Annie had a chance. Because this woman was Annie’s mother, he tried to speak candidly, but not too harshly. “A few days ago—maybe even a few hours ago—I might’ve agreed with you, ma’am. I couldn’t see why Annie would walk away from a life of luxury to work so hard and live so frugally. Now that I’ve heard the way you people talk to her, I can understand her choices.”

“You don’t really think she’ll be content to stay here long, do you?” Dixon asked with a sharp laugh. “Can’t you see she’s using you to punish us? Why else would she be scrubbing floors for a living when she has the brains and skills to take an executive position if she chooses?”

Annie huffed inelegantly. “As if any corporation in this state—or any surrounding state, for that matter—would hire me if Dad put out the word that he didn’t want them to. Cleaning houses is one thing I can do on my own, without interference from any of you. It’s honest work, I’m my own boss, I set my own rates and hours, and I choose my own clients. For the first time in my life, I’m making my own decisions, without consulting you—or anyone. And I like it.”

“How well will you like it if you have no other options?” Nathaniel asked shrewdly. “If I cut you off completely?”

Trent watched as Annie’s chin lifted in a gesture that reminded him a bit of her father. She probably wouldn’t appreciate the comparison just then. “You can’t touch the money I inherited from Grandmother Stewart, just as you had no control over this property Uncle Carney left me.”

“Your grandmother left you a comfortable nest egg, but it’s nothing compared to what you had when you lived at home,” her father replied. “How long do you expect it to last?”

She shrugged. “I haven’t even touched it yet, I haven’t needed to. But it’s mine if I ever need it.”

“I bet your new boyfriend wouldn’t mind helping you spend it,” Dixon muttered.

Trent would have dearly loved to cram the jerk’s pretty capped teeth right down his throat. He was considering trying when Annie suddenly surprised him with a laugh.

Looking at Dixon, she shook her head. “It’s obvious that you’ve only just met Trent McBride. This is a man who would starve before he would touch a penny of my money. Unlike you, I might add, with your not-so-secret fear that you might starve without my money.”

Dixon’s expression turned ugly. “You little—”

Trent straightened away from the door frame, his hand already clenching in preparation for contact with the other guy’s mouth. “I wouldn’t finish that sentence, if I were you.”

He felt Annie’s hand fall quickly on his arm, her fingers tightening to hold him beside her. “I can handle this, Trent,” she reminded him.

He gave her a look, his tone wry. “I know. But couldn’t I punch him once, just because I don’t like him?”

“Behave yourself,” she murmured, looking pleased that he had agreed she could handle the situation. And maybe just a little pleased that he wanted to punch Preston for her, Trent thought with a slight smile.

“This is becoming tiresome,” Nathaniel announced, and then looked at Annie with what might have been just a hint of entreaty in his dark eyes that looked very much like hers. “Come home with us, Annie. Don’t break up the family.”

Low blow, Trent thought. Was this the way they had controlled her for so long? By playing on the soft heart he had recognized in her from the beginning?

“The family broke up a long time ago, Dad,” she answered sadly. “It happened when I grew old enough to start thinking for myself. It just took us all a long time to finally admit it.”

“And if I threaten to take you out of my will?”

“It wouldn’t make any difference. Adopt Preston, if you like. And then watch how quickly he slaps you into a retirement home as soon as you’re too old to take care of yourself. Preston’s very good at being and saying everything you want—as I found out for myself—but when you look deeper, if you ever bother, you’

ll find that it’s all about what he wants.”

“Your parents know me better than that,” Dixon said, regaining his smug composure with a visible effort. Again, Trent’s fingers twitched with an urge to rearrange his smile. Funny, he’d never considered himself a particularly aggressive man—until he’d found himself feeling so protective toward Annie, anyway.

“Unfortunately, they don’t,” Annie answered in regret. And then she turned to Nathaniel again, effectively dismissing Preston Dixon. “You’re my father and I love you because of that,” she said quietly. “I don’t want your money or your guidance, but I have always wanted your respect and acceptance. If you ever decide you can give me those things without demanding total obedience in return, I hope you’ll call me. Perhaps we can figure out a way to start over.”