She looked up to offer Wade one of the shy smiles that always tightened Trent’s stomach. “Thank you so much for coming, Chief Davenport. I’m sorry you were disturbed in the middle of the night for something as silly as a stray dog.”

He shook his head. “You did exactly the right thing, Ms. Stewart. Don’t hesitate to call me or my officers anytime you need us, you hear?”

Trent walked Wade to the front door and stepped with him onto the front porch. “You’re sure your guys didn’t find anything?”

“Just the footprints I told you about—and as we’ve agreed, they could belong to anyone.”

“There’s something I think you should know, Wade. Annie probably doesn’t want to mention it, but it’s been bugging me all evening.” Using few words, he told Wade about the dark car that Annie had spotted earlier. And then he added that Annie thought she’d seen the same vehicle before, and where.

Wade’s first reaction was the same as Trent’s had been. He wanted to know if Annie had any reason to believe someone was following her. Trent told him what little Annie had let him know—that her father was angry with her for moving here and was the only person she could think of who would have any interest at all in her activities.

“But she seemed to sincerely doubt her father is involved,” he added, to be precise.

“I’ll have the patrol car come by every so often just to be on the safe side.”

“Thanks, Wade.”

“Tell your lady to be careful.”

“Yeah, I—damn it, Wade, stop that,” Trent growled as the wording sank in. “Annie and I are just friends.”

All he needed, he thought in irritation, was for Wade to start implying things about Annie and him to Emily, who would probably say something to Jamie or Tara. Then word would get back to his mother, who’d immediately start planning a wedding. Couldn’t a guy have a woman for a friend without everyone making something more of it?

“Smart-ass cop,” he muttered as he went back inside to make sure Annie was okay before he headed home.

He found her sitting cross-legged on the laundry-room floor, the dog’s head on her lap. The mutt wore a blissfully goofy look on its homely face—but Trent suspected uncomfortably that he might look much the same way if Annie was holding and petting him like that. “I think you’ve made a friend.”

She glanced up at him. “I feel like such a fool.”


“All that panic and excitement—all because of a stray dog.”

“I didn’t notice any panic—and I wasn’t particularly excited.”

“Which is why you dashed over here looking as though you just rolled out of bed,” she said wryly.

He knelt beside her, making a pretense of studying the dog. “I did just roll out of bed. But I wasn’t excited,” he lied easily. “Just curious.”


For some reason, no one seemed to believe him tonight. “Bozo there had probably better go out for a few minutes before you lock him up for the night,” he said to change the subject.


“In honor of those big feet. I’ll take him out while you find an old blanket or towel or something for him to sleep on. Tomorrow, I’ll help you put up a pen or a fence or something to keep him in. That’s the only way you can make sure he won’t wander off or get hurt.”

She nodded. “If I keep him—which I intend to do if no one claims him—I’ll be a responsible owner. I’ll have him neutered and inoculated and make sure he has a safe place to stay. I don’t believe in letting pets run loose. Too many get lost or hit by cars because their owners wouldn’t take responsibility for them.”

Rather amused by her attitude, Trent suspected she was babbling to keep her mind off the fear she’d felt earlier. “I’m sure you’ll give this mutt a fine home. You have a rope or something I can use for a leash?” He doubted he could carry the gangly dog as easily as Wade had.

It wasn’t particularly easy, but half an hour later Bozo had been bedded down and Trent and Annie were alone in the living room. He knew he should leave—God only knew what time it was, since he’

d forgotten to put on his watch—but Annie still looked too pale for his peace of mind. “You should get some sleep,” he advised her. “You’re obviously exhausted.”

“Yes.” She twisted her hands in front of her and looked doubtful.

“Are you afraid you won’t be able to sleep?”