She wrinkled her nose, trying to hide her self-consciousness behind a quip. “Just what every woman wants to hear. Thanks.”

His mouth twisted in a half smile. “The fact that you look tired doesn’t make you any less attractive. How many houses did you clean today?”

“Um—three,” she murmured, bemusedly wondering if he had just actually said he found her attractive.

He shook his head. “Three in one day is too many, especially when you work here in the evenings. Did you take time for lunch?”

“I had some errands to run at lunchtime. I drank a liquid-meal replacement.”

His frown deepened. “At least tell me you’re finished for the day.”

“I have a piano lesson at seven, but I’m through after that.”

“And tomorrow? What’s your schedule then?”

“On Saturdays, I clean a real estate office and an accounting firm. And I’m giving another piano lesson tomorrow afternoon. Why are you suddenly so interested in my schedule?”

“Because I can tell you’re trying to do too much. Jamie told me you’re getting swamped with calls for cleaning and piano lessons. I hope you realize you have to say no sometimes. You can always keep a waiting list if you get more requests than you can handle comfortably.”

“I appreciate your concern, Trent, but I’m quite capable of arranging my own schedule.”

He didn’t look convinced. “Then why do you look so exhausted?”

“You just caught me resting for a minute. I’m fine, Trent. Really.”


She leveled him a look. “Do you want me to start asking about whether you’re trying to do too much at my place?”


“Then back off, McBride.”

He broke into a full grin—and the sheer beauty of it took her breath away. “You really like to think you’re tough, don’t you?”

She had to clear her throat before she could speak. She hoped her voice sounded relatively normal. “I’m tougher than I look.”

He reached up with his free hand to brush a strand of hair away from her cheek. “You’d have to be. You look like a strong wind would blow you over.”

Something deep inside her quivered in response to his touch. Her voice was definitely huskier this time. “I’d, uh, better get moving.”

“Yeah.” But he didn’t release her arm.

She looked up inquiringly, her gaze sliding over his face and pausing on his mouth. “Trent?”

He seemed to be looking at her mouth, too. “Mmm?”

“You’re still holding my arm.”

He was standing so close his breath ruffled her hair. “I know.”

“So are you going to…” Her voice faded as her attention locked on the slight indention in his lower lip.

His fingers flexed against her arm, sliding against her skin. “Am I going to what?”

Annie felt her throat contract. Was she imagining things, or was he suddenly looking at her as if the attraction she’d felt for him from the beginning wasn’t all one-sided? “Trent, I—”

As if something had suddenly galvanized him into action, he abruptly released her arm and stepped back. “Are you finished here?” he asked, his tone gruff.