Something in his tone puzzled her. “Um, yeah—next Tuesday? You think you’ll be feeling better by then?”

“Undoubtedly. I just wasn’t sure you…”

His words faded, leaving her bewildered. Had today’s mishap unnerved him so badly that he wasn’t sure he wanted to continue the repair work? She could certainly understand if he didn’t think he was physically able to continue, but she would be surprised if he admitted it. “You do want me to clean for you next week, don’t you?”

“Yeah, sure. If you want to keep it going, of course.”

“Well, yes. I mean, if you do. If you’re ready to stop, that’s okay. You’ve done so much already and there’s not…”

“Actually, your place needs painting. Inside and out, really. It means you’ll have to buy paint, of course, but I can get you a discount at the hardware store. And having me do the painting will save you the cost of labor.”

“I’ve been thinking that a fresh coat of paint would brighten things up around here. I considered tackling the job, myself, but I’ve never painted before and I wasn’t sure how to start. I can afford the supplies now, but are you sure painting isn’t too…um…?”

“Yes?” His voice was suddenly very soft.

She swallowed, deciding not to mention her concern that painting the house would be too physically demanding for him. She assumed he knew what he could handle. “You’re sure it won’t be too expensive?” she amended quickly.

She could almost see him relax. “It shouldn’t be too bad. We can do a room at a time inside, though the outside will have to be done all at once.”

She nodded. “I’ll start picking colors.”

“You might want to try something different than the gray your great-uncle painted everywhere.”

She smiled wryly. “I’m not sure it was originally gray. I think it’s all just turned that color with the passage of time.”

“You could be right.”

“If you’re going to start that project here soon, I think I’ll do some spring-cleaning at your place, if that’s okay with you.”

“Like what?”

“Oh, you know—cleaning the pantry, new shelf paper. I could take down the curtains and clean them, and if I rent a carpet shampooer, I could do the rugs.”

“You’re sure that’s not too much for you to take on?” He asked the question with a perfectly straight face, though she knew he was mocking her a bit.

“I think I can handle it,” she answered firmly.

He shrugged. “Whatever the place needs.”

She finished her coffee, thinking that it was good to know their professional relationship was staying the same, even if she suspected that other things between them had changed.

Trent glanced at his watch. “I know you have other things to do today. I’m going home. And before you start nagging again, the food and coffee have cleared my head. I’m okay to drive.”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive. Thanks again for the assistance and the meal. And, uh, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention what happened to anyone.”

“I won’t. But if it happens again, I hope you’ll tell your doctor.”

The quelling look he gave her made her bite her lip before she offered any further unsolicited advice.

She walked him to the door, watching for any sign that he shouldn’t be doing this. His posture was perhaps rather straighter than usual, his steps measured, but he appeared to be clearheaded and in control. There really seemed to be no reason to delay him any further.

“Satisfied?” he asked at the door, slanting her a look that let her know he’d been aware of her watching him.

She opened the door for him. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. But call me if you need anything, okay? You can count on me not to hover.”

“I’ll see you Tuesday,” he said, making it clear he didn’t expect to be calling her before then.