“They seemed to like each other well enough, but that was all,” she replied honestly, though she hoped she wasn’t raising Amber’s hopes again.

“Did they dance?”

“Amber, don’t do this. You’ll only make yourself miserable.”

“I’m already miserable,” Amber replied with a sniffle.

“This isn’t helping. You can’t sit around obsessing about what Cameron’s doing or whom he’s seeing. You have to find something else to do to occupy your mind until you get past this.”

“I just really miss him, Kelly.”

“I know you do,” she answered softly. “I know you’re in pain. And I wish I could help.”

“Just don’t stop being my friend, okay?”

“Of course not. In fact, why don’t we do something together this evening? We can go out for dinner—someplace really nice.”

“Thanks, but my mother’s making dinner for me tonight. She’s trying to cheer me up.”

Since Amber’s mother had made no secret of her disapproval of Amber’s affair with Cameron, Kelly hoped she wasn’t overdoing the I-told-you-so’s. “Some other time, then?”

“Yes. I’d like that.”

“Great. Call me when you’re free and we’ll set up a time.”

“Okay. Sure. Um...do you think I should call Cameron? You know—just to say hi?”

“No,” Kelly answered honestly again. “It’s over, Amber. You’re just going to have to accept it.”

With a deep sigh, Amber replied, “I know. It was just a thought. You’re right, of course. I won’t call him.”

Relieved, Kelly almost sighed herself. Instead she said bracingly, “Call me when you want to get together.”

“I will. Bye, Kelly.”

Kelly hung up her phone, then groaned and rubbed her hands over her face. What a way to wake up after last night, she thought ruefully. Was fate sending her a reminder of what could happen to her if she wasn’t very careful with Shane?

As if she’d needed reminding.

Because it had turned considerably colder during the night, she dressed in a bulky, waist-length sweater and loose-fitting carpenter jeans with warm socks and lace-up boots. She couldn’t help smiling as she hung up the flimsy wisp of a dress she’d worn the night before. She’d enjoyed dressing up for the evening, but she felt much more herself now in her ultracasual clothes.

Shane had promised to come look at her car today, so she went to the trouble to put on a little makeup—a touch of eyeshadow, a quick sweep of blush and mascara. That was the extent of her primping for him. He had seen her dressed up and he had seen her in a hospital bed; much more than appearances were involved between her and Shane.

She’d just finished a late lunch of tuna salad and wheat crackers when her doorbell rang. Setting her plate in the dishwasher, she dried her hands and hurried toward the door, excitement zipping through her as she wondered how Shane would greet her today.

Her smile faltered when she saw that he was not alone. “Oh. Hello, Cameron. This is a surprise. Come in, both of you.”

Cameron tipped an imaginary cap. “Auto club, ma’am. We got a call about an ailing car?”

Shane chuckled. “Cameron showed up at my place just as I was about to leave. When he heard what was up, he insisted on following me over to help.”

She eyed Cameron doubtfully. “Do you know anything about fixing cars, Cameron?”

“I can hold a flashlight,” the mechanically challenged reporter answered cheerfully.

“That’s what I thought,” she replied with a smile. “Pretty, but useless.”

Not in the least offended by the teasing insult, Cameron laughed and reached out to drape an arm around her shoulders. “That pretty well sums me up.”