“You’re sure you don’t have things to do at the ranch? I can always—”

“I’ll be back,” he repeated firmly. “Good night, sweetheart.”

Sweetheart. Shane was always generous with endearments, she thought as she closed the door behind him, but there had been a new tenderness in his voice this time. If anyone had overheard him, they would have know something—everything—had changed. She could only hope he would try a little harder to disguise his feelings in front of the others.

She hadn’t expected to sleep at all that night. She thought she would lie awake, replaying the events of the evening and worrying about the future. But she was asleep almost as soon as she turned out the light. She slept with the pillow Shane had used cradled in her arms, and the faint, lingering scent of his aftershave tickling her nose.

Her dreams that night were very pleasant ones.

Shane yawned as he and his father pored over a catalog of ranch merchandise, from which they were preparing to order supplies for spring calving. It was Sunday morning and the house was quiet, Cassie and Molly having gone to church. Jared had stayed home to catch up on some of the ranch business that had fallen behind during his vacation, and he’d called Shane to come consult with him.

“Think you can stay awake long enough to complete this order form?” Jared asked, sitting beside his son at the big desk in the ranch office.

Stifling another yawn, Shane rubbed his eyes. “Is there any coffee left in that pot?”

Jared reached for the carafe on the table beside him. “Just about a cup.” He poured it into Shane’s mug.

“Thanks.” He sipped the warm, caffeine-charged beverage gratefully.

“You got in kind of late last night, didn’t you? I was out checking on that sick calf at almost midnight, and I noticed you weren’t home yet.”

He shrugged, keeping his eyes focused on the catalog. “By the time the dance ended and I made the drive back, it was pretty late. I, er, took Kelly home after the dance. We talked awhile.”

All of which was true, he rationalized, if not the full truth.

“Everything okay with Kelly?”

“Her car wouldn’t start last night. She had to get a cab to the dance. I promised her I’d look at it this afternoon.”

“Any idea what the problem is?”

“It sounded like the battery or the alternator. I think I’ll be able to fix it.”

“Did she ever decide what to do about her father?”

There were few secrets in the Walker family. Shane knew Kelly was right about their changed circumstances making the rounds should word get out. “She’s decided to meet with him.”

“Has she?” Jared made a mark on the notepad in front of him. “What made her change her mind?”

“She wants closure, I think. Some answers, if she can get them.”

Jared grunted. “I hope it goes well for her.”

“You don’t think it’s a good idea?”

“You know how I feel about digging around in the past.”

“I know how you feel. But you have to admit it paid off for you to be reunited with your siblings.”

Jared shrugged. “I didn’t have to deal with the bastard who fathered me. As for my brothers and sisters, we don’t talk about the past. We concentrate on the friendships we’ve formed as adults.”

“Kelly isn’t expecting much from her meeting with her father. She’s still pretty mad at him for running out on her and her mother.”

“Can’t blame her. He left his child alone to deal with the illness and death of her mother. What kind of jerk walks away from his own kid?”

“He, uh, he’s in the military. He’s been stationed overseas for most of his career.”

“That wouldn’t have kept him from picking up the phone. Or writing a letter. Or coming to get Kelly when her mother died. I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean when I found out you were in trouble, but I had little difficulty getting out to take care of you.”