Kelly and Brynn exchanged a quick, meaningful glance before Kelly looked back at Amber. “It’s probably good for you and Cameron to spend a day apart every once in a while. He can do guy things with Shane and you can do your shopping and whatever. Why don’t you come over to my place later? We can watch old movies and gossip about all our friends.”

Amber smiled a little, but shook her head. “Thanks, but I’m knitting a sweater for Cameron for Christmas. It’s the hardest pattern I’ve ever tried and I’ve barely gotten started. I guess I’ll stay home and work on that tonight.”

Kelly looked at Brynn again. Brynn shrugged slightly, as if to say Kelly had done all she could.

“I’m going to try these on now,” Amber said, moving toward a dressing room. “Good to see you again, Brynn. I’ll call you, okay, Kelly?”

“Sure. See ya, Amber.”

Kelly stepped into her own little nook and changed quickly back into the sweater and jeans she’d worn on her shopping trip. She paid for the red dress and then she and Brynn left the store and walked through the mall to a coffee bar. Only when they were settled in a booth behind steaming cups of cappuccino did Kelly mention Amber. “I’m really afraid she’s going to be hurt.”

Brynn nodded somberly. “She’s rather desperately infatuated with him, isn’t she?”

“Desperate is the word,” Kelly agreed glumly. “She can’t think of anything but Cameron these days. She’s so obsessed with him that she practically has no other life—and she used to be so active and independent. I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen when it ends.”

“You’re so sure it will end?”

She sighed. “I wish I could say I thought there was a chance that they will be married and live happily ever after, but I really can’t see it. Cameron just doesn’t seem as committed to this relationship as Amber is.”

“That’s going to be awkward in your group of friends, isn’t it? If Amber and Cameron have an unpleasant breakup, it’s going to be difficult for them to continue seeing each other at your monthly get-togethers.”

Kelly stared glumly into her cup. “It’s going to be awful. Heather and I have been very close to Amber during the past year. And Shane, Scott and Cameron have been best friends for almost as long as any of them can remember. The divided loyalties alone will probably make our gatherings impossible.”

“That would be such a shame. I hate to see anyone get hurt.” Brynn glanced down at the rings on her left hand. “I would love to see everyone as happy as Joe and I have been.”

If Kelly were the jealous type, she would certainly find it hard not to envy Brynn’s good fortune during the past year and a half. Brynn had fallen in love with and married a gorgeous surgeon who simply adored her in return, and she had been immediately accepted into her husband’s large, close-knit family. Finding her own family of aunts, uncles and cousins had been another stroke of luck, guaranteeing that Brynn would never be truly alone again, as she had been so often during her difficult childhood.

But Kelly loved Brynn too much to be anything but delighted for her recent blessings. And, besides, she reminded herself, she’d had a pretty good year as well. She had almost fully recovered from the devastating injuries of an auto accident that could have been totally debilitating, if not fatal. She was only months away from earning her master’s degree. She had been instantly adopted into Brynn’s family—both families, actually—and into Shane’s group of friends. There was still plenty of time after she established her career to start her own family, something she wanted very badly. Assuming, of course, she was lucky enough to fall in love with someone as special as Brynn’s Joe.

Brynn glanced at her watch, then chuckled. “We’ve been at the mall for nearly two hours and I still haven’t bought the first Christmas present.”

“Oops. My fault. I spent a long time trying to decide whether to buy the red dress.”

Brynn shrugged. “I guess I’m just not really in the mood to Christmas shop today. I still have six weeks for that.”

“We should at least buy one gift today,” Kelly said firmly, picking up her coffee cup. “Then we can say we accomplished something.”

Brynn smiled across the narrow table. “Just having a couple of hours together makes the day worthwhile. We’re both so busy lately, it’s rare for us to have time like this.”

Kelly returned the smile. “Yes, and I’ve enjoyed every minute.”

“Maybe we’ll have t

ime to shop a little more, though. Joe asked if I would mind buying both our draw gifts for my family. And I have no idea what to get for either of the people we drew.”

Because the Walker family was so large and their income levels somewhat disparate, they had a long-standing tradition of drawing names for gift giving. The draw was held at the end of October, leaving everyone plenty of time to shop. Last year, newlywed Brynn had been included for the first time. And everyone had insisted that Kelly join in, to her surprise and delight. They had contended that she was an honorary member of the family, and she had come to feel that she truly belonged with them.

“Joe drew Taylor’s name,” Brynn confided. “I’ve got Shane. Do you have any clever ideas for either of them?”

Oddly enough, Kelly’s pulse fluttered when Brynn mentioned Shane’s name. Ignoring the reaction, she tried to reply casually. “I can see why you worry about finding the right gifts. Taylor has such impeccable taste, and Shane...well, he’s Shane,” she finished wryly.

Brynn laughed. “Strangely enough, I know exactly what you mean. Do me a favor, will you? You’ll be seeing Shane several times between now and Christmas. You and he are such good friends. Try to get some suggestions from him about gift ideas—only, be subtle about it.”

Kelly made a face. “Oh, sure. Piece of cake.”

Still smiling, Brynn set her empty cappuccino cup aside. “I have every faith in you. Maybe I can get Taylor’s partners at her advertising agency to give me some ideas for her. That would certainly make my shopping easier.”

“For everyone else to do the legwork for you? I guess it would make it easier for you,” Kelly gibed teasingly.