“Heather...?” He nodded in remembrance. “Oh, yes. The brunette who asked me to dance with her at the charity thing. I think she did give me her number. I probably still have it somewhere. But, to be honest, I thought she was a little...well, flaky.”

Kelly laughed softly. “She is actually. But in the very nicest way. She’s one of my closest friends. I think you might like her, if you got to know her a little better.”

He seemed intrigued. “You think so?”

“I really do. She’s a lot of fun.”

Steve looked suddenly cautious. “Is there any chance she’s in love with someone else?”

“None,” Kelly assured him confidently. Heather had made no secret to her friends about how much she wished to find someone special. Maybe Steve Carter would be that special someone.

“Maybe I’ll call her sometime.”

“Maybe you should.”

He chuckled. “This has turned out to be a most unexpected evening.”

“I know. And now I’m going to make another request. Instead of taking me home, would you mind dropping me off at a friend’s house? There’s a family birthday party I’d like to drop in on—and it’s actually closer to here than my apartment anyway.”

“How will you get home afterward?”

“I’ll find a ride.” She knew exactly who she wanted to take her home.

He agreed very graciously, merely asking for directions. And Kelly felt a thrill of anticipation mingle with the guilt she still felt about the unsuccessful date with the man who wasn’t Shane Walker.

Tony answered the door when Kelly rang his doorbell. He looked startled, but pleased to see her. “Kelly. This is a nice surprise. I thought you wouldn’t be able to make it tonight.”

“I got away early. Is, er, everyone still here?”

“Of course. The kids are all upstairs, playing with Katie’s new toys. The adults are in the den. They’ll be delighted to see you.”

He escorted her to the door of the den, where she paused to make a quick survey of the room. At a glance, she identified five Walker siblings and their spouses—all present except for Lindsay and Nick, who wouldn’t be back in the state until Christmas. A few of the cousins were also in the room—the three Samples siblings, Brynn and Joe—and Shane, who was sitting on one of several couches in the big room, engaged in a spirited conversation with his uncle Ryan while Molly hung over the back of the couch, listening to every word. Everyone seemed to be talking and laughing and having a wonderful time—quite a contrast to the quiet reception she had attended earlie


She would so much rather be here.

Shane didn’t notice her at first, since his back was partially turned to her. Jared, standing across the room with his wife, was the first to spot Kelly standing there in the doorway. His eyes narrowed on her face, and then he smiled. Her cheeks warming a little, Kelly smiled shyly back at him, hoping what she read in his handsomely weathered face was approval.

“Hey, everyone. Look who’s been able to join us, after all,” Tony called out from behind her.

Everyone automatically looked their way. Kelly heard her name called out from several directions, and heard Brynn ask in exasperation what she was doing there. But, ignoring the others for the moment, Kelly’s eyes were locked with Shane’s as he turned on the couch to look at her.

Something thumped at her feet.

“Uh—Kelly, you dropped your purse,” Tony murmured, bending from behind her to retrieve it.

She couldn’t seem to move to reach for it.

Very slowly, Shane rose to his feet, his gaze still holding hers. Without glancing away from her, or responding to anything being said to either of them, he crossed the room, his steps deliberate, his cowboy-lean body moving with the rolling gait and innate grace that had always made her throat tighten in appreciation, even when she wouldn’t admit it. It tightened again now.

He stopped only an inch or so away from her. She stared up at him, letting her surrender show in her face.

Either the room fell quiet around them, or Kelly simply tuned out everyone except Shane.

“How was your date?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

“Miserable,” she answered simply. “And, Shane—I don’t care who knows why.”