Her phone rang only twice before she answered. “Hello?”

“No one ever sent me flowers before,” he said without bothering to identify himself.

There was a hint of a smile in her voice when she answered. “You mean I’m your first?”

He chuckled, pleased that the conversation had begun with their usual easy humor. “Yeah. And you know what they say...you never forget your first.”

“Good. I wouldn’t want you to forget me.”

He couldn’t imagine that ever happening. He couldn’t even picture his life without Kelly in it now. After all, he reminded himself quickly, Kelly was part of the family. Just like a cousin to him. Sort of.

“I called to thank you,” he said a bit more seriously. “That was a really nice thing to do.”

“My favorite teacher sent me flowers when my mother died. I’ve never forgotten how it brought me peace to look at the beautiful flowers in the days after the funeral. I kept them until they were nothing more than dry sticks. I still have one bloom that I pressed in a heavy book. Maybe it was kind of dippy, but when I thought of you today, I remembered those flowers that meant so much to me and...well, I thought you might like some, too.”

“It wasn’t dippy,” Shane assured her, gazing at the colorful blossoms. “It was...nice.”

Nice. A fairly tepid word to describe Kelly’s generous and thoughtful gesture, but it was the best Shane could come up with at the moment.

“I’m glad you like them.” Seeming to grow uncomfortable with the subject, Kelly abruptly changed it. “How’s your family?”

“Everyone’s fine. You haven’t been out to the ranch in a while, have you?”

“No. Between school and work, it’s hard to find free time. I was particularly sorry to miss Molly’s birthday party last week, but I had to work.”

“Molly loved the gift you sent. But she would have liked you to be here, of course. And Sunny misses you,” he commented, referring to the horse Kelly often rode when she visited.

“I miss her, too. I look forward to coming for Thanksgiving. I’m so glad your parents invited me.”

“Of course they invited you. You’re part of the family, Kelly.” He changed the subject abruptly. “Are you planning to go to Nancy’s birthday party for Jackie O’Brien Thursday night? Do you need a ride—or, uh, do you have a date?”

“No, I can’t go. I have an exam Friday. I have to study Thursday night.”

“Dumb night for a party for working folks, huh?”

Kelly laughed. “You going to say that to Nancy?”

“No way,” he replied, feigning fear. “She’d take my head off. Nancy does not take well to criticism.”

“True. But she throws great parties. And Thursday is Jackie’s thirtieth birthday. Are you taking a date?” she asked very casually.

“No. I’ll probably just drop in during the evening, if I’ve got time.” It had been quite a while since he had a date, actually—if he didn’t count Gayla. Which he didn’t, since there had never been any real chemistry between them. He’d only kissed her a time or two, and had found no desire within himself to take it any further.

He guessed he’d just been too busy and too absorbed with the operation of the ranch to even think about getting involved with anyone.

“Well, have fun. Think of me slaving over my books while you’re partying at Nancy’s.”

He chuckled. “My heart bleeds for you. Would you rather be doing what I did this afternoon—shoveling manure out of barn stalls?”

“I, uh, think I’d rather study, thanks.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. And speaking of my afternoon’s exertions, I guess I’d better shower before dinner.”

“Good idea.”

“Thanks again for the flowers.”

“You’re welcome again. Goodbye, Shane.”