She shook her head. “No, but...”

“They’re playing some slow songs now. Want to give it a try?”

“Why don’t you, Kelly?” Brynn urged. “You used to love to dance.”

“Oh, I don’t...”

“It’s great exercise,” Joe agreed, smiling at her. “It’ll be good for you, as long as you don’t overexert yourself.”

“There you go, Kelly. Your surgeon has ordered you to dance with me,” Shane said cheerfully. “You have no excuse now.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, I’m outvoted. But don’t be surprised if I fall flat on my face.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll catch you if you do,” he assured her.

She gave him a wry look. “Why doesn’t that reassure me?”

Laughing, Brynn gave her a teasing shove. “Go dance with Shane. And if he gets rowdy, we’ll tell Uncle Jared and he’ll be grounded.”

Shane’s laugh was a bit hollow, but Brynn didn’t seem to notice. With a swallow, Kelly allowed Shane to take her arm and lead her through the crowd toward the dance floor.

Shane had just taken her into his arms when he muttered, “I really don’t like this.”

“Dancing?” she asked in surprise.

“No. Pretending.”

“Shane, you promised.”

“And I’ve been keeping my promise, haven’t I? No one suspects a thing. But do you have any idea how hard it was for me to keep my mouth shut while Brynn practically threw you at that doctor?”

She focused on his bow tie. “She was just introducing us. He doesn’t know many single people here yet.”

Shane’s hand tightened at her waist. “He can just make his own friends.”

“Heather didn’t waste any time. You didn’t put her up to that, did you?”

“I didn’t have to. She heard the words single doctor and went into action.”

“Which you knew she would do.”

“I hoped she would,” he amended.

She looked up at him through her lashes. “If it makes you feel any better, I wasn’t interested in him.”


He started to pull her closer. Kelly held back. “Dance like a cousin,” she ordered.

Shane sighed deeply, but obligingly loosened his grip. Not that it mattered how circumspectly they danced, she mused. She still tingled all over just from being in his arms. She only hoped no one else could tell—including Shane, who needed no encouragement at the moment.

After another dance and another hour of conversation, Shane turned to Kelly as they stood talking to a few of their friends. “I’ve had about all the fun I can take. If you’d like a ride home, I can take you now.”

“You’re welcome to ride home with us if you’d like to stay a little longer, Kelly,” Brynn offered.

She smiled and shook her head. “Actually, I am a little tired. I think I’ll take Shane up on his offer. You’re sure you don’t mind, Shane?”

He shrugged. “I’m going practically right past your apartment. It’s no trouble.”