“Thank you for your offer,” Roland said. “It’s very kind, and I’d like to take you up on it. The Army’s been pushing me to retire for years, and I suppose I have to now—from the military. But I’m not the retiring type. I’d like to stay a while and talk to you about running a security company. Not as competition with yours, of course. I was thinking of the east coast.”

“I’d be happy to tell you everything I know,” said Hal. “We have more business than we can handle, actually. I’ve been thinking we needed an East Coast branch, and you seem like just the man to run it. You’d need a team, of course. But maybe you’ve already found one…”

Roland looked over the others. “I was hoping for exactly that. What do you all think? You don’t have to decide now. Take your time.”

Instantly, Carter said, “Roland, Hal, I’m just here to fly this plane. Once. And only because I owed a favor to some people on your team. As soon as it touches down, I’m taking it and flying out of your lives. Out of all of your lives. For good.”

Unperturbed by Carter’s rudeness, Roland said, “Offer still stands, any time you want to take it up.”

“I will!” Merlin said at once. “My time’s up with the Marines anyway. And I’d like to grow out my hair.”

Pete shot him a baleful look. “Maybe that’s your other power. The wizard said you have two.”

Merlin, unoffended, laughed. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair? Guess we’ll find out.”

“Welcome to the team, Merlin,” Roland said, and offered Merlin his hand. They shook hands gravely. “Pete? Ransom? What do you think?”

“Marines taught me I don’t play well with others,” Ransom said. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not joining any more teams.”

“I’ll think about it,” Pete said slowly. “East coast, huh? That’s where I’m headed anyway.”

“My offer stands as well,” said Hal. “To all of you. But I’ve got a different one for Ethan. I know your time’s up with the Marines. Do you want to re-enlist? Or would you rather join Protection, Inc.?”

Destiny locked her arms around his chest. “You’re with me, jarhead. I’ve got you now, and I’m never letting you go.”

Hal’s deep chuckle resounded through the phone. “Oh, it’s like that, is it? Congratulations!”

There was a scuffling sound, and Ellie said, “Yeah, congratulations, you pair of perfectly matched idiots. Took you two long enough to figure it out!”

A baby began to cry, and there was a bang as she apparently dropped the phone. Hal came back on. “Welcome to the team, Ethan.”

“Don’t I get a say?” Ethan asked, but he couldn’t keep a straight face. At last, he’d officially be a member of the team he’d always secretly wished to be on. And he’d be with his mate, too! “Okay, fine. Of course I want in! And thanks.”

Now two babies were crying loudly. Hal, sounding harried, said again, “Welcome! See you.” There was another scuffle, a crash, and the line went dead.

“Better get there soon,” Shane said. “Sounds like they could use another diaper-changer.”

As everyone began to congratulate and welcome Ethan, Destiny nudged him and said, “Wait a second, you guys. Aren’t you going to haze him? It’s traditional.”

“Yeah, I don’t want to be left out,” Ethan said. “Make it good.”

“You could all shift and jump him,” Destiny suggested.

“Or Shane could glare at me really hard,” Ethan added.

“That’s been done,” Destiny pointed out. “Multiple times. Go on, guys. Use your imagination!”

The rest of the Protection, Inc. team looked at each other.

“Well…” said Shane.

“Perhaps…” said Lucas.

“Maybe I could…” said Catalina.

There was a long silence. Then al

l of them, Ethan and Destiny included, burst out laughing.