Her eyes widened. “But she’s expecting—”

“I know. But they don’t.”

“Bertram will have the law after me. I can’t steal one of his horses.”

Sean went to a tack cabinet, opened it and pulled out a suitcase. It wasn’t very big, but it had locks and two leather straps encircling it. “I want you to take this and hold it for me. I’ll meet you at the Rose and Crown tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. I’ll see that Rona gets back here.” He went to the stall and led the pregnant mare out.

“Are you leaving here?”


“Then let’s go now. Together. This minute.”

“I can’t,” he said.

“But what’s to hold you here? Helen and I plan to go to Australia. Come with us.”

There was a sound outside that made him stop and listen. “You have to get up and go now.” He disappeared for a moment and returned with a pair of jeans. “Put these on and go to Helen. She’ll take care of you. Tomorrow I’ll meet you at the pub.” He gave a bit of a smile. “I’ll have a surprise for you.”

He helped her stand, then turned away as she pulled on the jeans.

Sean got the mare saddled, with his suitcase strapped onto the back. He cupped his hands to help Diana mount.

But they weren’t fast enough. Nicky was standing in the doorway, and he was holding one of his father’s guns, a heavy, old pistol. Everyone knew that Bertram kept them clean—and loaded. “Are you stealing a horse?”

“Borrowing it.” Sean sounded cool, but his eyes were glittering in anger.

Diana saw that Sean was inching forward. A few more feet and he’d be close enough to leap on Nicky. But the gun could go off! She needed to get Nicky’s attention onto her. “Yes! I’m leaving forever,” she said, loudly. “You’re a piece of filth and I never want to see you again.”

“If you tell anyone what you made me do, I’ll kill you,” Nicky said, aiming the gun at her.

She tried not to look at Sean, but she knew he was getting closer. Her voice grew louder. “I’m going to the police. Right now. I’ll tell them what you did. I may not win in court but your illustrious name won’t be clean anymore. I’ll say there are orgies here and—”

Sean leaped and the gun went off.

Diana held her breath as she waited to see what had happened.

Sean stepped away, seeming to be unscathed. He glared at Nicky for a moment, then turned to Diana. “Go.”

She didn’t have to be told a second time. She gave him a quick look up and down. The bullet must have missed him. She climbed onto the saddle and took off into the night.

Sean waited until Diana was out of sight, then he turned to Nicky, who was still standing there, gun in hand.

Nicky could see what Diana had not: Sean’s side was bleeding.

Sean put his hands to his side. His voice was low. “You may get your kicks from raping girls and they may be too scared to take you to court but I’m not.” He raised his bloody hand in a threatening way. “I will prosecute you. Attempted murder. Before I’m done, I’ll see you in prison.” He stepped back to the bales of hay.

Nicky, terror on his face, dropped the gun and ran toward the house.


Kate was the first one to run to Jack. The fake blood on his side looked very real. Without thinking about what she was doing, she pulled his shirt out of his jeans and ran her hands over his ribs.

Jack had raised his arm and was watching her in amusement. “It wasn’t real,” he said softly. “I wasn’t actually shot.”

Kate looked up to see a few people staring at the two of them. Embarrassed, she sat back on her heels. “That will never come out of that shirt.”

Under the cover of the bales of hay, he squeezed her hand—then turned to the bystanders. “Next act is in the kitchen. Better go get your places before they’re all gone.”