Kate laughed. It was bad and good to be known so well.

She began to get ready for the evening in the beautiful green dress. It was going to be very interesting to watch the others when they saw Chris for the first time.

* * *

Try as she might, Kate didn’t get downstairs until nearly everyone was there, including Jack. He was in his tux and drinking a beer. She went to him. “Shouldn’t you be in the stables? And in jeans?”

“I’m part of the audience until Act Two.” He was looking at Chris, who was standing close to Teddy. She did indeed have on a very short minidress. If she sneezed, she’d be eligible for a porno.

“How’d they react when they saw him?” Kate asked.

“So you knew who he looked like, but you didn’t tell me?”

“I only found out a few hours ago. I saw a photo of Nicky, and Chris looks just like him.” She was watching the others sneaking glances at Chris.

“I think we have a hint as to why she ran away, but I hope I’m wrong. She must have—” He stopped when Willa came in, her arm entwined with that of a handsome man.

“Your parents have arrived,” Jack said.

“I didn’t tell her you said that.” Kate put down her drink. “By the way, I think he’s a possibility as the killer.” She walked away.

“At least it wasn’t me,” Jack said, but she didn’t look back.

To Byon’s dismay, only a cold buffet supper was served, but he did like that Sara allowed him to tell everyone their parts. He handed out a paper telling where each act would be staged and who the actors would be. “I will be reading the narrative bits. The actors not in the lights—and our thanks to Jack and Clive for their luminous job—are to stay to the side. You are not to get between the camera and the players. As in any theater, the audience is to remain quiet. However, at the end of each act, applause is appreciated.”

Byon looked at Diana, his face sad. “Please forgive us for what we now know.” He raised his glass. “Break your legs, my darlings.”






“Where is everyone?” Nicky asked. He was lazily slouched in the ratty old chair that no one else dared sit in.

“Willa is looking for Clive,” Byon said.

“She is always looking for him. What is new?”

“Ah, the eternal search,” Byon said. “Something new and different to entertain us. To make us sure that we actually exist.”

Nicky didn’t reply but went outside. He staggered a bit as they’d all had far too much to drink. “The last night,” he said when Byon was standing beside him. But then, Byon was always near

by, always seeking more of Nicky than he wanted to give.

“It is a beautiful place,” Byon said softly, looking out over what could be seen of Oxley Manor in the dark. But they knew what was out there. “It will be yours soon.”

“The weight of it all will be mine,” Nicky said. “And I am charged with looking after it and keeping it whole. Already, my ancestors look down on me.” He raised his glass to the heavens. “They see a failure.”

“You’ll have Diana,” Byon said.

“Oh yes, the wondrous Diana. Common as dirt, smart as a...a farmer.”

He and Byon exchanged little laughs.