Jack remembered Nadine saying about Puck, She believed she knew everything but she knew less than half of it. Looked like that was true! “Can your mother ride a horse?”

“Absolutely not! Horses terrify her.”

“And you?”

“Won gymkhanas and trials. I was thinking of trying out for the Olympics, but—” She frowned at him. “Why are you asking me all these questions?”

“Just curious. Bet you can drive cars too.”

“I’ve won a few rallies.” She glared at him. “Who are you and why are you here?”

For a moment, Jack drew a blank. He couldn’t think of a single thing that he could tell her. His mind was full of visions of the skeleton. He couldn’t very well say If your father did try to run away, it’s quite possible that your mother murdered him.

“Well?” she said. “I’ve just confided in you, so tell me what you’re trying hard not to say.”

Perceptive little beauty, aren’t you? he thought. He needed to change the subject. “What’s wrong with your grandfather?”

“Early stages of dementia. He’ll be fine for an hour, then suddenly start demanding that his secretary give him reports on the day’s orders. He—” Her eyes widened. “We left him alone.” She scurried off the bed and grabbed the doorknob. “Come on, let’s find him.” She looked him up and down. “And don’t hurt him if he gets nasty.”

“Had to leave my six-shooter at home. Airport security greatly hinders us Americans.”

With a look of disgust, she flung the door open and nearly tripped over her suitcases. “And put these inside!” she ordered. He heard her run down the hall, then the stairs.

Jack got off the bed. “Might have done you good to have a stableman as your father,” he mumbled, then put the suitcases inside the room. He paused in the hallway. If Nadine’s father knew the house, he might go upstairs. Especially if he used to “break the glass elephant” with someone who wasn’t part of the family. A pretty maid, maybe?

He headed up to the top of the house.

* * *

When Jack saw that the upstairs was empty, he went down and met Sara coming out of her room. She had on one of her simple dresses that probably cost what he paid his workmen for a week. “Have you seen Nadine’s father?”

“He’s with her. We’re meeting downstairs for cocktails, and you need to change. I’m pretty sure Byon wants you to sing for him.”

“Teddy’s father is Sean.”

Sara gasped. “Oh. Right. The man Nadine hated. Makes sense. She sure was good at keeping it a secret.” Sara’s head came up. “Think she told him the night of the party?”

“Then when he said, ‘You’re on your own, baby,’ she bashed him over the head with a rock?”

“Something like that. Have you been with her daughter all this time?”

“Most of the time. She was a mess.”

“And you healed her?”


nbsp; Jack’s lips tightened. “I listened to her. You two do the same with the old man?”

“We couldn’t catch him. He wanted to see the changes in the house and gave us the slip.”

“Where’s Kate?”

“Getting dressed. You brought your tux, didn’t you?”

“Of course,” Jack said. “When do you think Meena will show up?”

“Remember that the name’s back to Willa,” Sara reminded him. “I imagine her hair will take some time. And makeup removal will take hours.”