“Sorry, I didn’t see anyone else here. Can you ta

lk her out of this?”

Sara was smiling. “If it’s what I think it’s for, I encourage her.”

“I’m going back to being the Willa they remember.”

It was time to leave. The three stood up and went to the door. Sara turned back. “So how do we treat you? Have we met you or not?”

“Not,” Meena said firmly. “That way I can tell you my new story.”

“The one they expect of you?” Kate asked.

“Cheated out of your inheritance by your family, now living in a third floor walk-up, working at Sainsbury’s, no friends.” Sara was smiling.

“You should have written it for me,” Meena said.

“Send me your text number and I will,” Sara said.

Jack said, “You’re assuming someone will ask. No one’s asked me what I do for a living.”

“Good point,” Meena said. “I’ll just be Poorwilla and that will be enough.”

Jack opened the door.

“What about Clive?” Kate asked. “Puck said that at that time, you were quite, uh, taken with him. I know from experience that the past can sometimes swallow a person.”

Meena pulled a huge ugly dress from a bag. “Along with Nicky’s last words to me, I remember Clive’s. ‘Of all the things I want in life, you are at the bottom.’” When she looked at them, her eyes were scary with anger and hatred.

Kate and Sara swallowed. They nodded goodbyes, left the room and started down the hall.

Jack spoke first. “I’m surprised he isn’t dead.”

“Think she’s capable of murder?” Sara asked.

“Oh yes,” Kate said.

“Hundred percent,” Jack said. “In fact, I’m going to lock my bedroom door.” He looked at Kate. “You better stay with me tonight.”

“Hold your breath if you think—”

“What about me?” Sara said. “I’m all alone on a floor below. I need protection.”

“I pity anyone who tries to tangle with you,” Jack said. “Last week your right cross nearly tore my shoulder out of its socket.” As he held the front door open for her, he looked at Kate over Sara’s head. He didn’t have to say anything. Protect Sara was between them.


Jack was driving them back from the inn.

“Wow,” Kate said. “Just plain wow. I am very glad I never joined a club when I was in school. They seem to eat you alive.”

From the back, Sara said, “You didn’t join anything because your mother made you go home every weekend.” Sara and Kate’s mother were not friends. “There wasn’t time for anything else.”

“Then I guess she saved me,” Kate said.

Jack looked at Sara in the rearview mirror. “Round One to young Medlar.”

“But—” Sara began.