Puck went to a cabinet against the far wall, opened a drawer, removed the watch and handed it to Sara.

She read the inscription, then passed the watch to Jack.

“You found this by the body?” Sara asked.

Puck nodded. “It was on the ground under some leaves.”

“You cleaned it?” Sara asked.

“With a toothbrush.”

“So there’s no hope that fingerprints were left on it.”

“Oh!” Puck said. “I’m sorry.”

“Probably wouldn’t have been any anyway,” Jack said. “I guess we’re all aware that not reporting this to the police is a crime.”

They nodded.

“Do we tell anyone that we found the body?” Kate asked.

“Bella should be told,” Sara said.

“No!” Jack said. “Too many people already know.”

“But the more people who do know, the less we’ll be in danger,” Kate said. “The killer can’t do away with all of us.”

Puck looked at them. “A fire. An explosion. Locked doors.”

They stared at her in silent shock. But Puck was right. Locked doors at night. A fire started. Old Oxley Manor would light up in an instant.

Kate leaned forward. “Who do you think killed him?”

“Clive,” Puck said.

“The banker?” Sara asked, and Puck nodded. “Go on. Plead your case.”

“He’s Nicky’s cousin, but Nicky got all and Clive got nothing. Clive hated Nicky, and it was mutual. But they both knew that Nicky couldn’t run the place without him. Clive said that when Bertram, Nicky’s father, died, he’d get rid of me.”

“Sounds like a nasty piece of work,” Jack said.

Kate was more skeptical. She looked at Puck. “What did you do that caused him to say that?”

“Nothing specific. It’s just that I knew things he didn’t. It made him jealous.”

Kate nodded in understanding. “Why do you believe Clive murdered the groomsman?”

“There was talk of making Sean the estate manager. Clive would have been out of a job.”

“Clive wanted the job enough to murder to keep it?” Sara asked.

“He wanted what he thought might come from it,” Puck said. “If Clive lasted until Bertie died, he would have ruled the whole estate.”

“Nicky was incompetent?” Jack asked.

“Yes,” Puck said. “That’s why he wanted to marry Diana. She could do anything.” There seemed to be stars in her eyes at the mention of the woman.

“Seems like Clive would have killed Diana,” Sara said, then they were all silent. Maybe someone did. She hadn’t been heard from, but a body hadn’t been found.