“Put myself under the rule of that prig?” Nicky was advancing on her. “I’d rather burn the place down. You are the solution. I chose you. I put up with you—a chauffeur’s daughter! My ancestors are rolling in their graves—all for this pile of crap. All for this stone monster that is my burden in life. I let you in. I was going to—may God have mercy on me—defile my bloodline by marrying you. I was going to—”

Diana was sickened by his words and shocked that she’d never suspected the truth of how he felt about her. She drew back her arm to slap him. But she was so angry that her hand curled in a fist. When she hit his beautiful face, she heard his nose crunch.

He put his hand to his bloody nose. “You fucking bitch!” He sprang on her.

She fought him with all her might. She kicked and scratched and hit. But Nicky was a young man and he was strong.

The ridiculously short dress that Nadine had chosen for Diana rode up.

“You think I can’t?” He was on top of her, holding her down. “You think I’m not man enough to fulfill my duties?”

There was a piece of stone nearby. It was the broken-off claw of a lion, fallen from what was left of a statue that one of Nicky’s ancestors had thought would represent the family’s glory. Nicky knew it was what he needed: a symbol of conquering his enemy.

He smacked Diana on the head with it. Her eyes rolled back, then her head fell to one side.

The sight of her lying there limp and helpless excited him. Diana, who told everyone what to do, who made people like her—something Nicky had never been able to do—was helpless beneath him.

His erection was as powerful as the stone lion’s claw. It was easy to rip away the tiny briefs that Nadine had so thoughtfully persuaded Diana to wear. He entered her quickly and easily and was done in minutes.

Afterward, he stood up and looked down at her. She was still unconscious and that made him smile. He’d never before felt so powerful.

He fastened his pants, smoothed his shirt and jacket. His face ached. Bitch! She’d hurt him.

But as he looked down at her motionless body, he smiled. He had hurt her back.

Feeling the best he ever had in his life, he walked away, leaving her there. She had provoked him and she got what she deserved.


Chris stood up, leaving Teddy lying on the ground. He hadn’t removed her underpants, but her dress was to her waist. The lights were on him and he knew the script called for him to walk away in triumph, but he couldn’t. He went only a few steps, then threw up in the bushes.

Diana ran to her son and hugged him.

Byon was crying. “I never meant to cause that. I shouldn’t have run away. I should have...”

Kate helped Teddy get up and put her arms around her. “I’m so sorry.”

Sara stepped out of the darkness. “I must warn you that this horror doesn’t let up. It’s up to the lot of you if you want to go on or not.”

Teddy pulled away from Kate, went to Chris and took his hand. “It’s okay,” she said. “I’m all right. You didn’t hurt me.”

“You’re sure?”


Chris looked at his mother. “That...man... He was my father?”

Diana was too ch

oked up to speak. She could only nod yes.

Chris put his arm around his mother’s shoulders and looked at Sara. “I can go on. I want to know the rest of it.”

Sara looked at each person, the players and the audience. Standing to the side was the police inspector, and he gave a nod. Yes, he’d like to see what happened next.

“The show must go on.” Byon’s tone was one of disgust.