Nicky got into the car and it started right away.

As she closed the bonnet, Byon got into the passenger’s seat. He wanted to get away as soon as possible.

But Nicky got out and went to her. She was standing by her horse and he introduced himself with just his nickname. Usually, he gave his full name and title. “Best to start out by intimidating the enemy,” he liked to say. Nicky considered all but about six people his enemies.

“Diana Beardsley,” she said.

“How do you know how to repair cars?”

Byon’s mouth dropped open. Nicky never asked anyone personal questions, mainly because he didn’t care. He’d certainly never asked Byon about his origins. But then, Byon would have lied.


nbsp; “My father is the chauffeur for Lord Haverley. We always helped keep the cars in repair but I loved the horses.”

“How do you afford university?”

Diana laughed. “Saved the old man’s life. He ran his best horse into a lake and the animal’s legs were trapped. His lordship refused to get off, rightly thinking that the horse would panic. I dove in, went under, and cut the horse’s legs loose.” She shrugged. “Unfortunately, I got tangled and almost died, but I did save both of them.”

“And he rewarded you,” Nicky said.

“He did. He said he’d give me anything I wanted, even to half of his estate. I told him I already took care of the whole place so I didn’t want it. I said I wanted to go to university. He laughed and agreed. So here I am.”

With that, she mounted her mare and rode away.

Byon sat in the car and waited for Nicky to get in, but he didn’t. He was staring at the road where the woman had disappeared. Byon went to stand next to Nicky.

“She would be able to take care of Oxley.”

Byon bristled. “Your father would never fire Clive. And he can’t afford two managers.”

“I wouldn’t ask him to, but if I married that woman he could throw Clive out. What was her name again?”

“Diana Beardsley.” Byon’s voice was full of horror.

“Write that down and find out where she lives. I’ll send her a thank-you gift.”

“Somehow, I don’t think she’s the flowers and candy type.”

“What was that car part she mentioned?” Nicky asked.

“A carburetor?”

“Yes, that’s right. I’ve met Lord Haverley. He drives Jags. I’ll send her a carburetor from a Jaguar. Is there such a thing?”

“I would imagine so.” Byon lit another cigarette.

“Then let’s go somewhere we can buy one. Where do you think that is?”

“I have no idea.” Byon’s lips were tight in disapproval. “Ask Thorpe. He’ll know.”

“Good idea.” Nicky got back into the car. When Byon got in beside him, Nicky took the cigarette out of Byon’s mouth and threw it to the road. “No more of that. Diana doesn’t like it.”


“And that was it,” Diana said. “On Monday, Thorpe FedExed me a carburetor from an old Jag. He included a note saying that he’d had it power washed so Nicky wouldn’t get his hands dirty.”

“That sounds like a put-down,” Kate said.