They were in a dark alley with trash bins and empty boxes. There were lights on the buildings but one in the middle was out.

Jack caught her hand, and in a deft move, swirled her around until her back was against a wall. For a moment, he paused, as though asking if she was all right with him.

Jack kissed her. His body pressed against hers, his lips to hers. For all his desire for her, what was in the kiss was his longing for her, for this woman who had been his companion for years now. Talking, laughing, sharing. Good moods and bad. Danger and peace. Anger and calm. They were all there in the kiss.

When he broke away, he smiled at her sweetly. “The rest can wait.”

He took her hand, and laughing, they went down the alley to the pub. It was already filling up and the band was on the stage. They went through the crush to the bar, got beers and made their way closer to the band. It began to play a mix of rock and roll and ballads.

Jack got them a tiny table near a wall. They put down their drinks and hit the floor. They had danced together very little, but they’d lived in the same house for years and they knew each other well.

He was a down and dirty dancer, while Kate had had classes in college. She could follow anything he did.

After an hour of nonstop dancing, Jack left Kate in a chair at their table and nodded toward the band. She understood. He was going to sing. She watched him talk to the five musicians and the female singer. They were smiling and nodding.

Kate wondered what he was going to sing. She recognized it within seconds. It was one of Byon’s songs. She’d heard them practicing it, but Jack hadn’t sung it all the away through.

Run away with me. Make my tomorrows your forever. Take my hand. Lead me away. I am yours.

As he sang, he kept his eyes on Kate. The audience saw where he was looking, and they stepped back, not blocking his view.

When the song was nearly finished, he handed the microphone to the female singer and she kept it going. Jack stepped down from the stage. He went to Kate, held out his hand, and she took it. Everyone cleared the floor as Jack led Kate in a slow dance, holding her body close to his. He dipped her back, then pulled her to him. Spun her out, drew her back into his arms.

When the singer finished, Jack held Kate tightly—and their audience burst into applause.

Smiling, Jack kissed Kate’s forehead, then led her off the floor and out of the pub. Laughing, they ran down the sidewalk to the car.

“Okay?” he asked.

“I’m good. In fact, right now, this moment, my happiness meter is at a high ten.”

He laughed. “Mine’s about a hundred. Ready to go back?”

“No, but yes.”


Jack woke to a soft, warm hand on his cheek. “Kate?” he whispered.

“Alas, it’s only me,” Sara said.

He turned over, rubbing his eyes. There was no light around the curtains so it was very early in the morning. “What’s happened now? Found another body? Clive went berserk and killed everyone?”

“Puck wants us at her house. You usually sleep in a T-shirt but you don’t have one on now. Anything on below it?”

“None of your business.”

“Interesting,” Sara said. “You were hoping Nadine would slide into bed with you?”

“I’m holding out for the daughter. Turn around. I have to get out of bed.”

Smiling, Sara turned away as Jack slid on jeans and a shirt. “What’s going on? Or is that part of your new secrecy?” he asked.

“You and Kate have a good time last night?”

“I always have a good time with Kate. If you don’t answer my questions, I’m going back to bed.”

“Kate’s already up and ready to go.”