The people talked on top of each other as Jack answered and led her to the one booth that was vacant.

“Been here before?” Kate asked as she slid across the seat.

“A time or two. I—” He stopped because a tall, very good-looking, blond man was standing at the end of the table. “What do you want, Chris?” Jack’s tone was telling the man to go away, but he didn’t move.

Chris was looking at Kate. “I know you. Or at least I’ve seen you before.”

“She sells real estate for Tayla. Half the town has seen her.”

“No,” Chris said. “It was somewhere else.”

“I know,” Kate said. “When I first came to Lachlan, you and another man were outside the fire station. Do you really have a dalmatian?”

“It’s tradition. You mind?” He motioned to sit beside her.

“No, of course not.” She moved to the side and he sat down beside her. She ignored Jack’s glower.

“So you really sell real estate?”

“I do. Need something? A house? An apartment?”

“Actually, I’ve been thinking of getting my own place. I have two male roommates now.”

“Ah.” Kate realized he was telling her that he wasn’t married and had no live-in girlfriend.

“Would you like to go out with—”

“No!” Jack said. “She’s busy. Very, very busy. I think Bill’s calling you.”

Chris smiled. Nice teeth. “No, he’s not.” He looked back at Kate. “How about I stop by your office on Monday at ten a.m.?”


“That would be perfect. What are you looking for?”

“Small, cozy. Somewhere I can grow tomatoes.”

“I know just the place.”

He stood up. “I look forward to seeing you then. Jack.” He left.

“Did you just make a date?” Jack sounded incredulous.

“A business appointment.” She was smiling.

The waitress came and they ordered beers and nachos. “And a couple of Reubens,” Jack said without consulting her, and the waitress left.

“What if I want a salad?”

“Do you?”

“Heavens no! After this week I may take up drinking whiskey.”

“With random firemen?”

She gave him a look to behave himself. At the end of the room, some musicians were beginning to set up. “Do you sing with them?”
