“Insufferable,” Jack said.

“Right, but today they had a studied remorse.” She looked at him. “It was perceptive of Mr. Dakon to notice that no one was crying.”

“Except Gage. But then, his life as a reporter might be over. No wonder he was bawling.”

“Catalog writing! Pretty horrible fate. But if he could help break the White Lily case, it would all change.”

Jack was turning into the driveway. “I wonder where Janet got that bootie?”

“And where is it now?” Kate asked.

Jack pulled into the garage and turned off the engine. Sara’s MINI was in place and he’d seen that Dakon’s SUV was in her favorite spot to the side of the house. “Maybe we could be of some help in figuring out the answers.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Kate could feel a bit of excitement running through her. “It really is a mystery of who, why, how. Was Janet’s murder connected to an old kidnapping? What did Sylvia have to do with it?”

“If anything.”

Kate looked at him. “The photo!”

Jack smiled. “Ah yes. The man who got away.”

“The one who wanted his picture taken. Maybe Chet could find out who he is.”

“So, it’s gone from Mr. Dakon to Dakon and now it’s Chet?”

“You should tell about Kyle’s extreme jealousy since you understand it so well.”

He ignored her jab. “Megan left out the jealousy part in her oh-so-clean little speech, didn’t she?”

“Everyone left out all the juicy bits. In fact, no one told how truly nasty they’d been to Janet Beeson.”

“But she forgave them all.”

Kate opened the truck door. “I’m hungry. You hungry? Maybe Chet wants to eat. Maybe while we’r

e being chummy over green chili, we can ask him a few questions.”

“Are you saying we should suck up to this intruder who seems to be stealing our beloved Sara away from us?”

“Jack, you are reading my mind.” She got out and closed the door behind her.

Smiling, he grabbed the big bag of food and followed her into the house.

Inside, it wasn’t what they’d expected. Not that they’d discussed it, but Kate and Jack were surprised. The kitchen table was covered with unfurled rolls of plans of the houses Jack had remodeled.

Chet, his back to them, was bent over the plans. Sara was standing inches away from him. “Jack does a brilliant job in the design as well as the construction.”

“I like this kitchen,” Chet said. “I need a lot of work space as I make a mess when I cook.”

“What do you like to cook?”

“Meat.” Half turning, he looked her small body up and down. “I bet you’re a vegan and do Pilates.”

From behind them, both Jack and Kate gave snorts of laughter.

The older couple turned to look at them.

“She’s a carnivore and she boxes.” Jack’s tone was like a put-down but it backfired.