Sara brought up the info screen. The photos were taken on the day Janet Beeson was murdered. At the time Janet was being murdered.

Sara took her laptop into the kitchen. One look at her face and neither Jack nor Kate spoke. Sara couldn’t.

She set the computer on the counter and pointed. There was Carl. She swiped through the photos. More of Carl. Sara opened the info screens. The pictures covered from 6:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The MINI garage was far from Lachlan. There was no way Carl could have been there to murder Janet.

“Let’s go,” Jack said.

Sara wasn’t sure if he meant to go to Carl at the hospital or to the sheriff—and she didn’t ask.

Silently, they went to Jack’s truck and got in. Kate took her aunt’s hand and held it. The computer was on Sara’s lap.

Sara felt that, as the oldest, she should make a decision. And of course she should be on the side of justice. Take the photos to the sheriff. Prove that Carl couldn’t have killed Janet.

Then who did? That was what was screaming inside her mind. Maybe what Carl told her was what actually happened—but he wasn’t the one who did it. Maybe he’d been told the details. An accidental poisoning, then an angry Janet pulled a knife. In the tussle, she was stabbed. But she wasn’t dead. If she did as Carl said and threatened to ruin their lives... Lisa did have a gun hidden in her bag. Maybe she used it. But did Lisa do all of it alone? Did she make Janet a cup of tea? That sounded more like Tayla. If Janet picked up a knife, would Tayla wrestle her for it? Probably not, but Gil would.

Sara didn’t want to think about what would happen if Carl’s confession was proven wrong. Prison for sure. Execution? The publicity would be horrific.

But Lisa had paid for her sins. Jail time, her mother murdered. Gil certainly didn’t deserve to have his son taken from him and given to a woman like Zelly. Quinn wouldn’t survive under that! And Tayla and Charlene... Their lives and those of their families would be destroyed forever.

When Jack pulled into the hospital parking lot, Sara didn’t know if she was relieved or angry at herself for not protesting.

They took the elevator up, still not speaking, and went down the hall to Carl’s glassed-in room. Then halted.

The room was filled with people and balloons and flowers. Happy people. Laughing. Gil and his son, Quinn, were there. Charlene and Leland were laughing with Tayla. Lisa was bending over Carl and kissing his forehead. To the side was Kyle Nesbitt. He was watching four young boys show Carl their iPads. They were Charlene’s two and Kyle’s sons.

On a tray was a blue-and-white cake, with one big candle. Strung across the room was a sparkly banner. We love you Grandpa Carl it read. It was a family. What Carl had wanted so much. What he’d given his life up to get for these few precious moments.

Sara was the first to turn away. Kate came behind her and Jack followed.

In the truck, Sara deleted the photos.

* * *